Sunday, December 31, 2006
part 2
5:32 PM
04. friends
this year was a great year for me in terms of friends. i've met a lot of people who eventually became friends that i am sure i'm going to keep. some of them i've already met, others remain as online friends, but wth, there's no better people that i can share all my craziness with. and for that, i thank them. <3
the bangers - people from tsinoy forums who share my craziness. meeting you guys are one of the highlights of my life. and the fact that i met them during the most unforgettable date of the year makes it extra special. thank you so much for the company and friendship! here's to many more years of dongbang fun! love you all! <3
the angels - ah, the beloved angels of heaven who made me the yaoi lover i am today. because of them i learned to read and love fanfics... yaoi or not. thank you guys for introducing me to this wonderful genre of writing. they're also the dongsaengs i never had... thank you guys! you "ate" is always here for you... *huggles everyone*
HS people - particularly Maria. i have never met someone as dedicated and devoted as this girl (not including pao, of course ^^)... i really repsect her for her dedication. she's also one of the most generous people i've ever met in my whole life... maria, don't be stressed, HS loves you.. and brian oppa loves you too! *hugs*
people at work - work has become quite enjoyable because of you guys. of course there are rumors, issues, but it compares nothing to the company you guys have provided. as i've said before, the ride is bumpy, but let's all "hold on" (as christian said). love you guys! <3
05. my dongshins... this entry wouldn't be complete without my dear dongbangshinki boys... it wouldn't be a wonderful year without them. and it all started january 29 of 2006. *sigh* refer to my friendster blog for more details. ^^ it was a tough year for them, with all the incidents and stuff, but it's still their year. they won 4 daesangs, for crying out loud.. i am so proud of them *tears* here's to more wonderful music from these guys.... <3
thats it... i can't think of anything more. hmm... guess i'l be adding to the list as the year goes on. i'm sure i'll be remembering a lot of stuff as the months/days/ progress.
Sounds: Yui - Goodbye Days from Taiyou no Uta OST
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, December 30, 2006
2:54 PM
this is part one of the year-end post
the year is drawing to a close and i think it's only right that i do one of those emo posts. nah, this won't be that emo since emo-drama queen title belongs to anacleta and anacleta alone. ^^ this will be a sort of "the year that was" post... so let's start ^^
01. work
this year i started working on a 24x7 environment. it was pretty taxing and tiresome at first but i got used to it. plus the people i work with are super nice. it's impossible not to have fun at work. but sometimes it is too stressful, especially when your superiors have a high expectation of you. the pressure sometimes get to you, but as the year ends, i think that even though there were a lot of hard times at work, it was all worth it.
i would like to thank the SSI people for giving me the opportunity to work with them. Ms. Krissy, Ms. J and Ms. M, thank you for believing in whatever talent/skill that I have. you are loved... and i will be praying for you always.
and to my present ACS family... the ride may be a bit bumpy, but let's hang on okay? i'm sure there'll be a silver lining in our blue, blue sky. ^^
02. family
life isn't always smooth sailing with my brothers, or even my parents. but i have no other choice, they're my family. and families stick together better than glue. there might be a lot of misunderstandings, but that doesn't make me love them less.
to my family, i know we've talked about me going abroad to work, and i kept saying that i don't want to go because there are no koreans anywhere else, but the truth of the matter is, i'm scared to be alone in an unfamiliar place. T.T i'm scared of the loneliness -__-
03. fandom
once a fangirl, always a fangirl. well, for me i guess. hmm.. when did my fandom start anyway? well, i can't really remember. but i am glad i became a fangirl. if it wasn't for fandom, i wouldn't be able to meet new friends who share the rest of my kalokahan. never mind that others think we're weird, at least we're happy.
to my fellow fangirl friends, i love you all. you're the only people who can keep me sane in my moments of insanity. *hugs all around*
part 2 tomorrow... i need to sleep. oh, and i'll be posting pics too. ^^
0 people sat with me and waited
Friday, December 29, 2006
god loves me
8:03 AM
god loves me.
there were no rabbits at the petshop. yey! and because of that, my brother accepted the fact that pets weren't meant for him. i'm just hoping that this way of thinking would last for the whole month of january. i have this strange feeling that after 2 or 3 weeks he'll nag me about a pet, again. T.T
anyway, i was in in a crazy mode and started taking pics of random stuff. aish, this is what i turn into when i have two consecutive days off of work T.T
take a look, (thanks to Sony Ericsson K700i for the pics. lol):

this is my pc at home. and i took a picture of it in one of its rarest moments: it was turned off. yes. it was turned off! bwahaha... that was a once in a week event. my pc is usually turned on even if i'm at work. er, yeah, my monitor's LCD, and i don't now the dimensions. 17"? and my keyboard is black too. speakers, it's color black too. the speakers are at the backof the monitor so you can't see it. and see the black thingie above the mouse? that's the power and volume controller of my speakers. and, my mousepad sucks. it's one of those generic ones. i forgot to buy a decent mousepad T.T you might be wondering why i need a mousepad even though i have an optical mouse. well, the surface of my computer table's all laspag with the mouse. harhar... so yeah, i need a mousepad.
er, the striped box at the side? that's where o keep all the dvd-r's i burned. lol. well, it's just an excuse for me to buy the box. i found the box so cute that i brought it yesterday at SM. er, at least i found some use for it, right? shoot, i also forgot to buy a black ink cartridge for my printer. i need black ink. well, i guess i have to go back again later to buy that. oh, and in case you're wondering where the DSL modem is, it's outside my room. had the router connected to it so that my pc and my brother's pc hav internet access >.<
next picture is.... some of the CDs i absolutely love. lol. there are actually a lot, but it won't fit the frame... here it is:

CDs: Fly to the Sky Transition Special Edition, Dong Bang Shin Ki's Begin single, Dong Bang Shin Ki's Rising Sun Live Concert Album, Jed Madela's Songs Rediscovered, Eraserheads Anthology VOlume 2, Kami nAPO Muna, Dong Bang Shin Ki's Triangle Album, Big Bang's 2nd Single
oh, and my little cramped up space for all my cds and dvds. i need a new cd rack. waaahhh... it is so messy. T.T i need to fix that particular part of my room T.T
ok, i'm going to post a pic of my study/work area later after i clean it up. hmm... it's actually where i do some "writng stuff". ok, it's my homework (not PC-related stuff) area. lol...
i guess this post proves how bored i am... oh well.
till my next ranting/raving ^^
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, December 28, 2006
new layout + start of "the year that was" posts...
3:16 PM
have a new blog layout. it's not as depressing/angsty as the previous one. this is kind of "happier" but with the theme of a broken heart. i'm not broken-hearted. it's just one of those "new year" feelings, if you know what i mean.... thinking about the past and stuff.
first topic of my post: rabbits. yes, rabbits. i'm going to buy my brother a rabbit. a pair of rabbits. heck, i don't like animals. but my brother does and he desperately wants to have a pet. at first i thought of buying him a dog. but my mom said no because no one will take care of it when we're away. then i suggested a bird... my dear brother (the other one) said that birds cause cancer. then i said a rabbit. they said yes. omg.. we really are going to get a rabbit. my brother's knocking at my door this very moment, demanding that i change my clothes so we can go to the pet store to buy a pair.
so, off i go. i will be back to post some more later. and i guess i'll be posting a picture of that rabbit. >.<
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, December 10, 2006
kpop is <33
4:30 PM
i met up with cle, kai and edward yesterday. we were supposed to talk about the event this coming sunday... you know discuss stuff and formulate the
game plan. well, it didn't turn out that way. we just sorted things out, random discussion about what's going to happen this sunday, stuff like that. oh, and we were able to drop by the venue. ^^
then i told them about this place in makati with kpop stuff. then they said, "come on, let's go". i thought they were joking but we did make it there. at first we were like, "uhmm... where's that place?" good thing izce was avaiable that day so we called her and asked for directions. at first we can't seem to find it, but then we saw it! we went inside and started browsing around.
then i hyperventilated when i saw their cd merchandise.
i really hyperventilated.
i swear.
i think i must've looked quite crazy to the cute korean owner because i was so.... excited? hyper? whatever you call it.
at first it was the cds. then we asked about some photobooks stuff. so the girl there asked the owner about the photobook. and the cute owner said "my photobook?" heck, i'd take it if it's his photobook. he was so damn cute. ^^ but then, he got some stuff from a secret dorr. well, it's no secret anymore since we saw it..
lo and behold..... i totally lost it.
there, i saw the photobooks. and i really lost it. i was cursing like crazy and spazzing and hyperventilating...
i went home with almost Php2500 worth of goods from that store. and i think i'm going to come back and purchase that CD i saw.
yes, i am weird. ^^
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
and the world makes sense again
1:35 PM
yesterday, i was talking about people leaving...
and now i find out that one of those "people" won't be leaving after all. and for this i am very thankful. it's hard enough to see one of your colleagues go, but two? that's too much!
don, thanks for staying...
chai, we still have 2 weeks to hang out. but i know we'll still see each other even after office hours ^^
pau? ^^
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
and i thought it would last...
2:46 PM
i remember posting a diary in my US cyworld saying how happy i was to be starting in a new company, with new people and new surroundings. well, i guess some things never last.
people grow tired and emotional, and it's just so sad to see that the people you thought who would be with you through everything, they're the ones who give up so easily. i know that i should expect something like this, what with all the rumors circulating about... hey, this is the real world, if people wants to pull you down, they will. i guess i shouldn't be surprised.
ok, i am rambling. i'm just upset that some of these guys are leaving...
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, December 4, 2006
1:04 PM
i met maria, the admin and owner of
Heavenly-Sent. she's so nice. people like her are some of the reasons i am still a fangirl, even though i am over 20 years old. there's something about fangirldom that non-fangirls just won't understand...
it's the simple things really:
- you get to chat with people about the things/people you like and it won't get boring
- you learn new things (what with all those download stuff and players and codecs.. techie stuff i tell you!! ^^)
- you meet some really interesting people and get to keep them as friends
- you finally have someone to get crazy with... and they won't mind you one bit 'coz they get crazy too!
aahh.. fandom is <33
0 people sat with me and waited