Saturday, March 31, 2007
1:19 PM
congratulations to a certain Korean acquaintance who
just got into SM Entertainment as a trainee.
i was so shocked. O__O congratulations to him. just got to meet him once online during one of those conference sessions with some CassPH core, and he was funny. Too bad I wasn't able to hear him sing. and he called me
noona. T__T
i need to hear him sing!!! aarrggghh... he sang
Choosey Lover for his callback. O_O
all i can say is good luck to him and hope to see him on tv after a couple of years. ^_^Y
Tata Young - I Think of You
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, March 29, 2007
9:11 AM
i can finally see my blog using internet explorer, firefox and opera. what a relief. i can finally blog in peace. and yes, i do have three browsers installed. and no, i am not a browser addict (if there is such a thing). i just like to see how different websites look like in different environments. ^_^
let's do a crash course, shall we...
internet explorer: it's kind of the norm but lately a lot of users have been complaining about it being prone to viruses and spywares. i don't have any complaints about IE, but it's become too plain, comparing to the two other browsers i've been using. but i found out... encode any website using IE as a platform and it's going to look just fine in FF or Opera.
firefox: i love this browser. you can change the theme and the add-ons are some of the most useful things one can have. for example, fireftp. you can upload and download stuff with ease using it. foxytunes is also a must-have add-on if you're one of those people who cannot stand silence (like me). foxytunes incorporates a player into your browser so you don't have to switch windows... for a here's a pic of my FF browser using the Vista theme i found somewhere.
notice the status bar? there's this mini-player there right? that mini-player actually reflects what's playing on my WinAmp. and where's winamp? out of the way. lol... this is one of the things i love about FF. and there's also the download status bar.
opera: now this is the most recent browser i've installed. and i love it's clean look, and just like firefox, it's got widgets (aka add-ons). i'm currently using the "to-do" widget as well as the "touch the sky" widget. another thing to be noted about opera is it lists down all your downloads in one tab. and you can post notes too. another thing is the builtin torrent downloader. i'm just not used to that built-in thingie, so i still use mu-torrent client.
so the final verdict? well, i can't really say. i use opera everytime i browse the net, IE when i download from clubbox, FF when i download torrent files. so i think these three are in equal footing. ^_^Y
the Cass gathering just ended last weekend right? so imagine my surprise when the Events Committee at work told me that they plan to launch the
Movie Club this thursday. omg... i was so shocked that i didn't had time to react. i just nodded and talked to the other Movie Club officers. good thing we already made plans a month ago. the only thing left was the implementation.
overall, the launch was okay. the pantry became a movie house with chips and candies. and there was a movie marathon of
Because I Said So,
Dream Girls,
Music and Lyrics and some other movies... among the mentioned movies,
Dream Girls won most popular because everytime people came in, they were asking about it. not that i blame them. i watched bits and pieces of the movie and it was good.
beyonce knowles acted her part well. and not to mention her powerful vocals was simply amazing. i must remind myself to watch this movie again.
i'm almost done with the april layout of my blog. the design's not mine. i just added some sidebar thingies to this wonderful and summery skin i found at blogskins. and i did mention that i will be starting another blog right? i already have a topic in mind. i just need to research some more to give it credibility.
random pics i want to share...

the food we ate after the gathering last sunday.

me, tintin, aimee and mishi during the cass-ph gathering.
i haven't been "tainted" with the icing yet. ^_^

kitkat, pao and me... oh yes, with the name tag and all T__T
thanks kaisu for placing tags and uploading *hugs*... i had fun last weekend, even though it was so tiring. for a blow by blow account of everything, please go to Kai's blog. hehe...
oh, and i haven't written/typed about our plans to take Japanese lessons. well, i guess that will be another blog entry. i guess this entry is long enough lol...
till next time.
and before i forget:
JoJo - Note to God
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
blogspot hates me
9:05 AM
i know i promised i would post a verrryyy long entry when the event is done, but blogspot hates me right now. i can't seem to open any blogspot page using our internet connection. grr... the weird thing is, i can access it just fine when i'm at work. this makes me not want to update this thing. T___T
but just for updating my blog, i'll be posting some thingies... no pics though because i am so pissed with blogspot....
the 03/25 event was a success. although some of the people who came to the 12/17 weren't there, there were some new faces. wasn't able to get to know them by their names, but i do remember their faces. thanks so much to those who came. you guys are the reason why we keep going on, even though there are a lot of blood, sweat and tears... :)
kring, we met before, but this is the only time i've gotten to know you... as in really know you. you're crazy!!! thank you so much for helping us out! :)
to the rest of the core, i know i can be a btch sometimes... hope you forgive me. i'm just plain OC with everything. thanks so much for sticking it out till the end... are we ready for June? *scared*
again, thanks so much everyone. even though my feet hurts and i'm tired as hell, it was all worth it. i love you all :)
after the event, pao invited us to have dinner at this really nice Korean restaurant in Burgos. so off we went to MinSuk (er, is the name correct?). Pao treated me, Mishi, Eme, Tintin and Edward to this really delicious thingie (you know that kind of meat that Koreans place in big leaves and then eat, yeah, that's it ^^). it's so nice... and there is authentic Korean food. Kimchi!!! i love it there. although i don't really like spicy food, but the place and the food is love. i've taken pics, but i'll post it when i see that blogpsot doesn't hate me anymore. oh, and i used silver chopsticks! i suck in using chopsticks, but the experience was well worth it.
hope we go there again soon... :)
ah, the event is done. and so i have time yet again to change the blog layout and add some more bits and pieces. i've created another blog, still with blogspot (aish..) but it's more serious. i'll post the link as soon as it's done. :)
ok, let's see... what else.... er, ok. nothing more to add. i'm getting lazy coz blogspot hates me. *sniff*
ill try to update soon. *sniff*
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Dead End
0 people sat with me and waited
Friday, March 23, 2007
quick update...
10:45 AM
just a quick little post...
i am busy. i still have a lot to do *looks at to do widget*
but i'm blogging. this is how i de-stress. T___T
gawd, i swear, if i make it through sunday, March 25, in one piece, i won't ever ever ever complain about anything.....
we can do this... *sniff*
i promise to post a loooonnnggg blog entry next time. i was looking at a blog tracker and seems like most of my visitors are people doing a google search, looking for fanfics and certain kpop related stuff. just leave a comment and i'll try to post some more relevant information about that, okies? example, you want to see the picture or the file uploaded.... just ask, and i'll try to provide. lol...
ok.. back to work T___T
ANA!! I MISS YOU! *huggles*
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Sky
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, March 18, 2007
70th post!
1:32 PM
this is my 70th post here at my blogspot home. wow... that was fast. i've been in blogspot for over 3 months already. time's fast. ^_^
i know i said i'm going to post the fanfic quotable quotes, but i'm not done yet. i promise to finish it tonight and post it tomorrow. hehe...
Hana Yori Dango 2 ended it's run last friday and i was able to watch it early this morning (after getting the subtitles from d-addicts). it's one of the best endings ever. and it's so sweet. i don't want to spoil everything for those who haven't watched it yet, so yeah... i just have to say it's the best! sure beats the TW production. *hides from MG fans*
now there's only
Goong S left to finish. and i must say, i am
forced to watch this. i really don't care about how the story will go but since i started it, might as well finish it right? Next up on my list of must-watch is the 13-episode anime
Boys Be that i downloaded. next, i'll continue watching
Gokusen. i've watched this on GMA7 but i want to watch it in Japanese, so there.... i'm in the middle of episode 3. next is
Tokyo Juliet. finished downloading this already so all i have to do is watch it. oh, and i still have my DVD-9 series that i need to watch. not to mention the movies i've downloaded last week. T___T
yeah, life's sweet, i just have to find the time to enjoy it. *sniff*
we had a
CassPH core meeting yesterday. it was tiring, but fun. and we had the cake done yesterday too! i am so excited to see the result. my only fear is that the cake won't be eaten because everybody's so fond of the picture T___T i don't want to bring home a 12x16 cake. *sniff*
Pao was also there yesterday! we had a lot of fun talking and catching up on some stuff. and i also discovered that she also wants to go to HK! yey! now even if my brother's not available for the HK trip, i have pao! yey! i am so excited. plus the malaysia trip. and she also wants to go to thailand... er, i think i'll have to save some more if i want to go with her. but definitely HK and Malaysia is in the itinerary. whee~
i am a little worried and excited for the March 25 event. i just hope everything goes as planned
random: i am listening to
Five in the Black, Tohoshinki's 2nd Japanese Album and i am loving their new songs... i want a copy of this. both versions ^_^
ana left for Korea yesterday... *sniff* and i caught her online earlier... *sniff* anacleta!!! i miss you!
you better go online everyday and tell us everything that's happening there. hog the computer at your dorm's computer something part and slap all the koreans that thinks you're crazy because you keep hogging the pc. *sniff*
wow... my FireFox went crazy and stopped responding so i closed it (with all those i've written above) and re-started it. then this pop-up came up asking if i want to restart my session. i clicked yes and lo and behold! all that i've typed is still there!
i am loving Firefox more and more each day! ^_^
don't know if i posted this already, but the song is really wonderful that i wanted to post it (err... again). it's a translation to Tohoshinki's Japanese song entitled
Proud *sigh*
PROUDTohoshinkiPassing by at a quick pace
How many seasons have already come and gone?
Walking along the landscape I'm now used to
I alone can't slip out from my faraway memories
Almost as if I'd lost where I was going…
At that moment, I met you
We met by chance in this city
Even now, I won't forget, because from that day
The many sorrows and worry I was embracing, all of it
With your warmth, I changed them into memories
Proud of you love
The two shells that I picked up
It’s like a miracle where I've met you once again
If you stay by my side
I become affectionate to the bottom of my heart
Even if rain falls violently
Even within strong-blowing winds
I will hold fast onto this love till the end
If it’s with you, I can overcome it
This is the first time I've felt that way
To make sure I don't let go of this hand
Let’s always gaze at the time and treasure it
We met by chance in this city
Even now, I won't forget, because from that day
Living and believing, while I change them into joy
Let us always walk together
Proud of your love
Wordforword Wordpress
wow... another long post. geez... all i have to do is not to post a blog for two days so that i can type up a blog this long. lol... anyway, till my next post ^__^
JoJo - Too Little Too Late
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Cpop mode + webhosting packages
12:45 PM
I am immersing myself in Mandopop right now.
F.I.R. is love.For those who are not familiar with Mandopop's favorite pop-rock trio...
F.I.R. means
Fairyland in Reality and they're composed of
Faye, Ian Chen and A-Jin. This group hails from F4-country and no, they don't do the "oh-baby-baby" song ^_^Y
Faye is the group's lead singer and her vocals are really, really powerful.
Ian Chen is a big shot producer who plays the keyboard and
A-Jin's the guitar virtuoso. And If you were able to watch
Dou You (aka
The Outsiders) [
random: a TW drama that i absolutely love.. i still have to find an eng-subbed copy of this] on ABC5 in Philippine television, you'd probably be familiar with one of their songs...
Lydia. This song is what actually made me listen to the band. And with hits like
Wo Men De Ai, i knew they're no one-hit-wonder.
they came together in 2002 and have three albums under their belt. all are worth listening to. so if you ask me if i have some random recommendations for a great mandopop artist... Jay Chou and F.I.R. would be the first things i would say... and better include 183 Club too ^_^
if you want to be acquainted with F.I.R., the first song on my playlist *points to the left* is Lydia. nice huh? ^^ the second song is from
183 Club and 7F, a song from
Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa...
i am thinking of getting a webhosting package. nothing fancy, just wanted to learn some new stuff related to webpublishing and stuff like that. plus it would give me a good reason to learn and stick with PHP and scripts and other internet techie thingies. yeah, i could create a website and all that stuff but compared to some people i know, i am a mere novice -__-. plus, having some knowledge about internet stuff is a great advantage when you apply for jobs since most people are looking for internet savvy people. no complaints here. i am interested with the stuff. i just keep thinking about the time i have to allot for that. *sigh*
i want to do a lot of things, but thinking about the amount of time i have to devote on those "
things" make me think twice. *sniff*
anyway, i checked nokiahosting and they have a very nice package for novices. i think i'm gonna get one. now help me think of a domain name!!! ^_^Y
i am going to post the fanfic quotable quotes tomorrow. i will be re-reading all of them tonight and highlight all the things i find so amusing and sweet. expect a lot from
So Much Mine and
Joie de Vivre ^^
replies to tagboard posts:
you guys are love~jhocel, binasa mo na? basahin mo na!!! baka lalo kang ma-in love kay minnie.. he is so adorable *sigh* pero dun sa
joie de vivre... ahahaha.... ang cute, literally cute nya don :)
donna, and i often wonder why we always love to torture and bully park. haha. ;)
finella, err... di ko din alam kung bakit
Yel ang pangalan ng girl bunny. kapatid ko nagpangalan sa kanya. siguro he thinks Yel goes with Yunho? err.. ang labo ata. haha... read your blog. so happy you got exempted sa science. yey! bakasyon na ba? ^^
Lish, you mean your name is really
lish? i feel stupid. i always thought you were liz T__T mianhe... thanks for dropping by my blog (even though i made you do it. hehe) drop by Heaven often, ok? we miss you ^_^Y
kai and
cle, wala lang. hehehe.. haller! :)
tam, di ko alam kung kanino ako.. *sniff* super depressing ng fic. binasa ng officemate ko yung fic (nakasave kasi sa shared drive namin), tapos nauna pa sya matapos .. at sya ang nangulit sa akin na basahin ko yun. haha.. and he's a straight guy! at favorite character nya si YooChun. haha... hmm.. naawa ako sa kanilang tatlo. T_T... at si
4tang pala ang nagsulat non... the same person who wrote
Tainted Memories of Issey Miyake, another fic that i love. *sniff* ang galing nya. fan na nya ko. hehe...
teejhaey, okies.. add din kita here. hehe. salamat! *huggles* pasalubong from SG ha? hihi...
edcel, naawa ako kay Jae. *sniff* pero.. kawawa din si JunSu. di ba? ang di lang kawawa si YunHo. hay.. sabi ni anacleta, biased daw ang lahat kay YunHo. di kaya. hihi... :)
izce, salamat. isa lang ibig sabihin nyan, we share the same taste in music. ^_^ i added a few Mandopop songs, i don't know if you like them too... give them a try :)
that will be all for today. wow... this is quite a long entry. lol.. till my next post guys. :)
JJ Lin - Sa Rang Hae Yo
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, March 12, 2007
joie de vivre
3:05 PM
just finished reading
joie de vivre. and i am depressed.
the story left a heavy feeling.. probably because it hit close to home. -__-
another story that i love. it's so sad... i literally cried while reading it. how can loving someone so much end in so much pain? somehow it doesn't make sense... but this seems to be the song everyone is singing in this concert we called life. T__T
i am too depressed to write more about it. i'll come back and post some quotable quotes from the three fanfics i've read so far:
So Much Mine and
Joie de VivreTam, thanks so much for sharing the story... ^_^
Tohoshinki - Proud
1 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, March 11, 2007
from finella and jhocel!
7:37 AM
finella and jhocel... this is the first time i encountered a "chain blogpost" lol.. this is fun! :)
"Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!"
1. I used to hate Math
2. I'm scared of touching small, furry animals (bunnies included)
3. I enjoy listening to music with lyrics that i don't understand (kpopper to the core!)
4. I cry when i watch movies with happy endings
5. I always sleep with a blanket covering my whole body
6. I can never sleep with the lights on
7. I love purple!
8. My mind rules over my heart (more often than not :))
9. I collect cds/dvds
10. I am an internet addict (ain't it obvious? lol)
TAGGED: anacleta, kaisu, donna, ekah, liz, hannah
Sounds: Taebin - The Reason I Close My Eyes
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, March 10, 2007
stressful saturday -__-
8:08 AM
ok, i was all emo yesterday. the pressure and stress just got to me i guess. right now i'm not too emo anymore. ok, maybe just a bit. i'm still a bit irritated though -__-
so what's the agenda for today? let's see... Cass PH meeting. i'm giving this a time allocation of 12nn to around 6-8pm. then when i get home, i'll bury myself in Kdramas and J-doramas while downloading mangas and some Kpop tunes. oh, yes. life is sweet. *sigh*
speaking of CassPH stuff.. i already got the bookmark and memo pad design sent. now all i need to do is look for that 5 keychains that i had made last year and then try to have a design ready for the cake. i also have to create an Excel spreadsheet for Cass.
===== S T R E S S F U L L =====
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Choosey Lover
0 people sat with me and waited
Friday, March 9, 2007
stressed out
11:31 AM
a close friend said that if you feel pressured doing something and you're not enjoying it anymore, that's a sign that you should give up.
so should i give up?
yeah, we have additional people to help out but it seems that the stress and pressure doubled too. not to mention the amount of money i spend on these... *sigh* sometimes i ask myself if it's all worth it. -__-
maybe it's just me? i'm just pressuring myself?
Tata Young - Sorry Anyway
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
So Much Mine~
4:23 PM
“I will always be your love… like you’ll be mine. Nothing…not even death …will part us.”
i died reading So Much Mine... this is the one of the many reasons why I am forever a JaeHo fan. it was so romantic and.... and... yeah so NC-17. it is love~
finished reading it and i am going to read it again just to get the quotable quotes. whee~ it's so nice. i am now a fan of the author.
JaeHo is LOVE!!!and i want to know what will happen to the impending love triangle!! whoot! YooMinSu!!!! wonder if this is the
Lavender Bunny Tam was talking about...
*stalks Tam's blog*
Black Lab - See the Sun (Yahoo! Music LaunchCast)
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, March 5, 2007
Kpop mode
2:59 PM
i am in kpop mode... whee~ i changed the order of the playlist and i placed
Taebin's "The Reason I Close My Eyes" as the first song. i miss taebin oppa. wonder when he'll release another album. *sniff*
i miss 1tym. i miss g.o.d. i miss shinhwa. i miss FTTS. i miss TVXQ! i miss Tim. i miss Eddie. *sniff*
*goes off to listen t random Kpop songs*
i am currently reading
So Much Mine by
WedSpawn. Been hearing about it from Tam's blogposts and i am currently on page 105 of the PDF file. i can see why Tam got hooked on it. JaeHo love~ and there's YooSu too! and some lines really crack me up. hehe... will post the cutesy lines tomorrow or sometime after i finish the fic. the fic is wonderful, not to mention sooo descriptive of everything. and it was published! ^^ love it...
Reply to tagboard posts:
thanks for dropping by everyone ^_^izce: interesado na ko kay min kasi... waahhh.. nakaka-in love sya sa fic na pinabasa ni edcel. whee~ pakakasalan ko sya!!
anne: hindi ko alam kung sino yung asa header T__T just got the skin from blogskins. hehehe. compulsion is love. it made me cry and giddy at the same time *sigh* minnie...... yesh, bunnies smell. pero they're cute. at dahil masipag ang kapatid ko maglinis ng kanilang lalagyan, the smell's not that bothersome. hehe. we let them roam around sa backyard, kaya medyo ok naman ^_^
ekah: ako ay salawahan. kung pwede ko lang pakasalan pareho so min at si jung, gagawin ko. but of course, junsu is my boytoy... *looks at junsu lustily (may word bang ganon?! heeh)*
jhocel: hahahaha... tulad ng sabi ni anne, galing sa ate mo yung fic. whee~
donna: bunnies are cute.. with their white fur and pink ears. si meke lang ang di cute na bunny *thinks balloons* *runs far away* whee~ peace tayo! ^_^
fin: wawang hamster minnie T___T... ano kinamatay? kami rin nag-alaga ng hamsters before pero di nagtatagal ng 6 months. so sad. siguro kung di inayos yung backyard namin, may cemetery na kami ng hamsters and cats T__T sana wag gumaya si YunHo at Yel the bunnies. hehe...
teejhaey: i will upload the fic sometime later. nasa fash drive ko pa sya eh, and naiwan ko sa office yung flash drive ko T__T
wow... that was the first time i posted tagalog at my blog. hehe... but it's ok.. thanks again for dropping by, you guys are love. ^_^
Shinhwa - Midnight Girl
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, March 4, 2007
9:54 AM
i brought my brother bunnies! wheee~ they're so cute. and i named the guy
YUNHO... and my brother named the girl
YUNHO and YEL. wheee~ pictures!!!
bunnies in a cage!!! hehe...
the one with the dark thing at the back is yunho, and the cute girl is yelthey're so cute.. and they're hopping around the backyard at this very moment. and yel's been eating the grass. O__O
more pictures of the cute female yel...

whee~ will post again later. just wanted you guys to see the bunnies. whee~
Sounds: ColdPlay - In My Place
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, March 3, 2007
anything dongbang
1:09 AM
COMPULSIONi finished reading
compulsion at work yesterday and i was crying. gawd. changmin is just soooo adorable in the story.
changmin's character in the story is the type of guy you would want to marry. he's sweet, patient, kind, cute, strong... everything a guy should be. waahhh... and the girl with him is a noona! that means an older girl! ahaha.... i am older than changminnie. whee~
changmin, let's get married!! (fin and jhocel, pagbigyan nyo na. just this once. ^_^).but the girl ha. i think the girl in the story is a player. first it was "bone-less" junsu (you should see this guy dance... you'd wonder if he has bones), then pretty and crazy (literally) jaejoong, and then changminnie... and changmin wanted to marry her!!! that lucky girl
(hey, i know it's a fic, but wth, if there is such a girl. omg.. may god have mercy on her soul *looks at cass kr people*). anyway this line really got to me, and made me love minnie in this fic:
He declared himself worthless -- just for me
waaahhh!! now if a guy would bow (i mean the korean traditional way) to my parents and ask for my hand in marriage that way... wth, there'll be no reason to say NO. gaah.. i want to marry min in this fic! honestly.
aahh.. and joongie. the antagonist in the story. he's sick. really sick... crazy sick. he's a rapist in the story. and min's the knight in shining armor. it broke my heart to have jae portrayed as a rapist. but the writer wrote it so well that you'd think it would really fit the character.
yunho.. the forever big brother of the 4 adorable guys. he can be stupid sometimes but i love this guy. i'd want to have a son exactly like him. he's so obedient and loyal. *sigh* but he could really be a prick sometimes T___T
xiah and mickey were merely side characters in the story, but they're so cute. and i have to commend the author: thank you for pointing out that mickey makes grammatically incorrect rap. lol...
i absolutely adore the story.
thanks edcel for letting me read it. wheee~ any more recommendations? but first i have to finish
So Much Mine. Tam's been raving about it... and I haven't finished the second chapter yet -_-
ScubeI just saw pics of the Scube thingy. and omg... it's so cute! now i want it. and the dbsk boys wrote messages in perfect english (well, except for mickey)!!! waahh!!! i want to post the pics here but i found it in a forum, so i guess i'll have to ask for permission first. but i tell you, the figures are so damn cute! remember their shirts in the concert, the ones with the sort of cartoon-like figure? that's the exact same figure! it's so cute!!!
and i want it
bad!! waahh.. last thing i heard about it is that it's worth around P4000. i went O__O when i first heard it, but wtf, after i saw the pics... waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! T___T
PCTV Interview
I downloaded something 2 days before and was only able to watch it now... er, that's quite something since usually i don't get to watch the clips i've downloaded *yes, i'm quite lazy that way -__-* ... when i watched the clips, i was in yaoi/shounen-ai heaven!!!!! gash... i was making screencaps like crazy! there's a lot of jaemin going on, also some jaechun.... and er.. yunsu? waaaahhh!!!!! made about 41 screencaps and placed it all in CassPH's photobucket. wheee~ but of course i am going to put up around 3 or 4 pictures here and will provide a link to the CassPH photobucket.i was literally screaming when i was watching the interview. i was more interested with what was going on behind the one being interviewed rather the one in front. lol. if you see the screencaps, you'll know what i mean. whee~ just tell me if you want the vids uploaded and i'll upload it for you.
screencaps!!!lookie at this.. YunSu and JaeMin at the background!! whee~ *screams*
and here's a JaeMin!! *heart melts*
YooSu anyone? *sigh* so sweet....
DBSK couples are LOVE!!
for more dbsk couples screenshots, click here: Dette's screencaps
*sigh* what will i do without these boys? ^__^
DBSK - You Only Love
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, March 1, 2007
brian, myspace and HS <3
11:58 AM
brian posted something on myspace and it made me all fuzzy inside. it was an old post, but still ^^i just love this gassoo so much <3speaking of Fly to Sky, i finally made it back to Heavenly-Sent forums. it's been way too long... almost 2 months. i missed the forums. and maria, i am so sorry for being a bad mod. i promise i'll make it up now that i found the link. was able to chat with maria yesterday, as well as some of the other HS staff. they're so friendly and nice.. i am thankful that i met them. i guess it's all thanks to FTTS that i was able to meet these people. aahh.. what fandom can do. it can build bridges! <3>
the group was baptized HSMafia by our resident brian-stalker. lol and they even composed a rap! hm.. lemme search my MSN chat archive for that rap...
whee~ here it is:
HS MAFIA NAMED BY MARIA PROTECTS OUR BOYS SO THEY CAN PLAY WITH TOYS THEY LIKE TO SING BALLADS WE HIT FAN GIRLS WITH MALLETS when they touch our boys; we make growling nois we love their songs and their style. they make girls faint with a smile.
we were a bunch of crazy ones. they were the ones who actually composed it because i am bad with rhymes. lol... so credit goes to erika, maria, shelly, and holly. ^^ now if only we can get someone to rap it.. *er, brian? lol*
and before i forget... erika, suzie, and holly... so nice to meet you!
fandom is love...
Sounds: *NSYNC - It's Gonna Be Me (Yahoo! Music LaunchCast)
0 people sat with me and waited
March 1st
10:34 AM
it's the first day of March! wow.. time sure flies fast. ^_^
anyway, i got to work last night and did not like what i read in my corp mail. someone was out to destroy one of the managers.. spreading malicious emails and stuff. this is so low of that person. we can't really say who it was since he or she used a free mail account. and we really can't track the IP because we all know everybody's using a dynamic IP (now why does that sound so familiar). so what we did is... we blocked all messages coming from that particular email address. and this is center-wide, mind you. so low for someone who's already working. aish. see, stuff like these also happens in the real world, outside of High School. this reminds me of that incident a while back. sheesh... talk about immaturity. -__-
anyway, i was reading this fanfic that Edcel sent... title is
Compulsion by ShinShin. I think it's from in:com.... and
i am in love with changmin in this story! i want to marry him... omg. i'm not done with the fic yet. i'm on page 130 (it's 190 pages long) but expect me to rave about it tomorrow because i am bent on finishing it later! waaahhh!!
changmin, marry me! <3
i just might create my own wallpaper for the fic. i just love it so much. <3 ahaha.. i'l be dabbling with photoshop again. god give me the inspiration... whee~ and speaking of photoshop, i need to make that nameplate thingie for work. T__T
be back to post more about the fic. i promise! ^^
Blackbeat - Shake
0 people sat with me and waited