Saturday, August 25, 2007
i need to get a life
2:57 PM
i really do.
i can't believe it's been more than a week since i last posted. and the post right now will be really quick. i just can't find the time to blog these days. but i'll make sure to post something every now and then.
geez, and we'll have visitors next, next week. aish.. this time it's some VP from ITO. huhu.. where did my social life go?
will post a long post tomorrow, promise ^^
Now playing:
Evanescence - All That I'm Living Forvia FoxyTunes
0 people sat with me and waited
Friday, August 17, 2007
the hell week
6:44 AM
it was hell in terms of the schedule. but fun nonetheless. the trainers rock. they're so nice!
i was in the office 8pm wednesday night to 8pm last night. 24 hours. wow... and i blame the weather for that! but i can't complain. the office feels like home now, after moving there a week and a half ago. you guys should see our pedestals. it's like all our necessities are there. well, in my case it is. nyahaha... i'm going to go to the office today and bring a pillow, my mug and a change of clothes. it's my new home. and i'm not a workaholic. ahehe... i just find it enjoyable to stay there. even though at times it is stressful. but it's part of the job, so i just have to accept it as it is.
will post more about this week sometime. i think i have to get ready to leave for the office ^_^Y
Now playing:
Rivermaya - 214 (XPiDERNET Radio: Playing Your Favorite Filipino (OPM) and English Hits!!!)via FoxyTunes
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, August 11, 2007
and the nightmare begins...
12:55 PM
after a
stormy week, comes
hell week. TT___TT
some trainers from
India will be coming in today to train us for the some stuff. And we will be training them in return. waaahh.. and now i have to go to the office early so i can organize the training materials. but i love the work, so really no complaints here. ^_^
and we moved to the cityland office already! and it's so fun!! a bunch of pictures in my multiply. check it out! ^_^ and stories tomorrow.
this'll be a quick post. er, will be updating more tomorrow, since i have don't have to go to work tomorrow. now i have to make an outline for the training materials. but that's after i watch
why why love episodes 6 and 7...
love the series! ^_^
till next time...
Now playing:
Rainie Yang - Li Xiang Qing Ren ([MX Project] Music to the Xtreme)via FoxyTunes
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, August 9, 2007
i hate rain
1:38 PM
would you believe i was at the office since 9pm Tuesday till 5am Thursday? and it's all because of the rain and storm. thus the reason why i hate rainy days (and mondays always get me down). lol XD
seriously. i just had a little over an hour's worth of sleep. the good thing is, we already moved to the new office, so we pretty much had the area to ourselves. we were practically eating and sleeping on our workstations. and i love it! even though the building's old and the facilities aren't that great compared to RCBC Plaza, freedom and the flexibility to move around is a welcome thing. it's a lot better compared to being stuck in traffic for over 5 hours. sheesh. and to think i just live an hour away.
well, we didn't let almost two days pass by for nothing.
Mhari and me went to
Tony and Jackey. it was a total spur of the moment decision. we didn't even know what to do there. so we went to the salon at exactly 10am. The manager,
Yani, and
Tony himself, welcomed us and we outright told them we don't know what to do. nyahaha.. funny, so we asked the manager what her recommendation would be. at first i was thinking of getting my hair colored. when i asked the manager what her recommendation for my hair would be, she said it would be good if i get a rebond. i was kind of hesitant because my hair is already thin as it is. so she said if i wanted to have my hair colored, it'll be fine also. and they recommended hair coloring and
hair manicure. i ended up getting a hair color only. i just wanted to see if i'd like the outcome. and i like it. so i'll be getting a hair manicure maybe this week or the next. oh, vanity. lol...
posting some before and after photos:

at the office before i had my hair done.yeah, this
is what i do when i'm bored at the office. ^_^

ta-da! after our trip to Tony and Jackey
and Landmark to buy a change of clothes.. and yes, still at the office. ^_^
now looking at the pictures, i don't know what i like more, my black hair or my current hair color. hmm... maybe i just need to get used to it. what do you guys think? ^_^
okay, i need to get some sleep. i still need to go to the office later. *sigh* hope the weather will be cooperative this time. will post more about our 2-day stay at the office tomorrow.
Now playing:
Hilary Duff - No Work, All Playvia FoxyTunes Labels: vanity
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
la la la la
2:23 AM
finally finished
Undertones of Forever. it's kind of bittersweet and depressing... i'm not sure if it's supposed to be a happy ending or something.. but i found myself totally understanding
Lee Da In's predicament.
and now i know why izce said that 4tang must've hated happy stories. almost all of her stories are so sad. but i love it that way. i think i can relate more with sad stories because deep down i know that life is not all balloons and flowers and butterflies... that deep within each of us is an indescribable loneliness that only we can understand.
ah, i'm being emo again. this is how i am after reading a sad fic. i won't post much about the fic since i decided to post a review on my multiply site. and i mean a real review. all my impressions about the fic will be written here in my blogspot account. ^_^
and look what i found! i downloaded the
foxytunes plug-in for Mozilla Firefox and surprise surprise... it works wonders on anything that has to do with google. take for example this blogpost. now i don't have to type in what song i'm listening to while typing my entry. it is automatically added below via foxytunes. this is why i absolutely adore mozilla and google.
i discovered something new today. yey for me.
anyway, i am currently waiting on the updates of various series i have been watching:
- Hana Kimi episode 5 hardsubbed
- Why Why Love episode 6 hardsubbed
- Liar Game final episode hardsubbed *waiting for almost two months already
and the rest can wait.
watched the first episode of
A Game About Love and it's intriguing. yah, i so missed Sam Wang. *sigh*
AND!!! link to Shirota Yuu's blog: !! this guy is hot ^_^
this is a short post. just wanted to write something ^_^
will post more tomorrow. ^_^
Now playing:
Fly To The Sky - Good ByeLabels: random
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, August 6, 2007
the net is back!
1:36 AM
yey! being irate really pays off. ^_^
i called the PLDT DSL Helpdesk at around 12:30pm today and complained like there was no tomorrow. heck, i reported the damn connection last Friday and was promised a call back within the day, but no call came. hah! and i didn't forget to help them remember that the last time i filed a complaint, it took them 2 weeks to resolve the problem.
so after a very, very irate call this afternoon, i slept and woke up at 9pm to find my internet connection is back. sweet... i guess it was back up earlier because i heard my brother knocking on the door of my room earlier, but i was too sleepy to pay attention to him. lol XD
so i guess the list is off. i can surf to my heart's content. ^_^
hmm.. i'm currently reading Undertones of Forever by 4tang... and i'm on page 62 now. it's pure heartbreak. i think i'll be crying by the end of the fic.
just posted something to give you guys updates about my net connection. i can't help but glance around my room and notice it's a mess. i'm in the mood to fix and clean things up. hmm.. and it's almost 2 in the morning. aish...
*goes off to arrange the cd collection and the study table*
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Summer Dream
Labels: DSL, fanfic
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, August 5, 2007
frustrated by the ISP, yet again!
12:35 AM
PLDT DSL is getting in my nerves! i'm at work, blogging...
we do not have internet access since August 3rd, and it's pissing me off! aarrgghh!!! but the bright side of it is that i was able to catch up on my sleep. lol XD really... i've been able to sleep for eight straight hours because of the lack of internet access...
but i still want my internet back. just 2 days without it is making me jittery. talk about withdrawal. TT_________TT
let's see... if we still don't have the net back tomorrow and the rest of my rest days, i know what to do: watch the countless videos i've downloaded, finish/read the fics i've been wanting to read, read Harry Potter Book 7, finally finish that Cass-PH layout.... time to bring back my TTDL, i guess ^___^
here we go... my Things To Do List:
watch TVXQ and other videos I've downloaded
watch The Devil *till the last episode that i've downloaded
finish watching Heroes season 1
finish watching Beverly Hills 90210 season 1
finish 4Tang's fics plus the other fics i've downloaded
read Harry Potter
finalize the Cass-PH website
update my inventory
okay.. let's settle with that. and let's see what i can accomplish until i get my internet back.
moving on, we have a newbie at work. and finally! a girl!! yey for me!!! and another big yey! she's into asian music! omg, she know Nonstop and her favorite channel on tv is Arirang!! she loves Cho Han Sun! waaahh!! she doesn't know TVXQ though... but i'm thinking of bringing her along on one of the gatherings or meet-ups... who knows, we might just be able to convert her. *wicked grin*
Sounds: Tohonshinki - Proud
Labels: frustrations, TTDL
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, August 2, 2007
just another post
11:30 AM
this won't be a long post... just wanted to post something. ahehe ^^
i left my computer on while i went to work. it was downloading torrent and CB files. ahehe... and when i came back, the 2G worth of CB files (
Five in the Black Concert parts2-4) were done downloading, all that's left are the torrent files which will be done within the day. yey! happy happy... ^_^
let's see, my PC has been on for more than a day and a half already. wow...
i saw some real cute bags in someone's
multiply yesterday and they were all gorgeous. i inquired about three of the items, and i so love them. i am thinking of getting all three. ahehehehe... i love bags. i dunno why. maybe it's a girl's sickness to love bags, and shoes, and whatever. hah! and i haven't used the other bag i bought from
cindy last month! hmm.. but that bag is big and shall be used for some "heavy-duty" going out spree. you know the type where you need a big but stylish bag because you have to bring your handycam, digicam, some spare clothes... yeah, you get the drift. ^_^
i think i'm gonna get those 3 bags. yeba! hope i get a discount. lol XD
i am random...
edit:in light of DLSU's protest about the infraction that ADMU committed in the recent DLSU-ADMU basketball game in the UAAP, here's what
JRS @, wants to say to the UAAP board (and I share the same sentiments):
To the board:
I hope some of you do get the chance to read these posts.
You took away our championship and suspended us for one entire season, including all sports other than basketball, for an infraction we ourselves disclosed in light of justice and fairness. In fact, we could have simply made internal arrangements to keep the season 67 issue to ourselves, but still, the lasallian's way prevailed. We obliged in following your orders and submitted to your sanctions unconditionally, notwithstanding your uncanny DENIAL of our plea to participate in other sports, after all it was our well-founded argument that such infraction was limited to the basketball program of the university and should have been limited to the same.
Now, we come before you and seek not redemption, but equality before the rules. All teams including the Ateneo should be subject to the sanctions as provided by the rules, if such violation be determined conclusively. The violation was openly committed during a live telecast of the game, which was decided by a meager three point deficit in overtime. In an already intense, highly-anticipated and hyped-up atmosphere, all players in and out of the court and the coaching staff of both opposing teams are required to monitor and maintain legitimate substitutions of players. Nothing less is expected from ANY school including the Ateneo.
Your inaction on the matter will undoubtedly serve a bad precedent to all the succeeding games. On our part, your tolerance of Ateneo's negligence will indubitably rub salt to injury in the sense that- while sanctions could not be mitigated in our favor for mistakes we openly admitted, we are ALSO HELD POWERLESS to enforce the very rules we took great price to be observed.
another one from
emong @
With all due respect, even though we lost on the court it doesn't mean that we should not push for the rules to be observed. Not everything is, and can be solved using a ball.
Look at the reason why our beloved school got suspended last season. We won games, even a championship! But the other school took it to another level and escalated the eligibility issue of two of our players. They wanted fair play and they wanted the rules to be followed.This is what's La Salle is pushing for now.
If other people think that we are sore losers because we are protesting a game we lost against our bitter rivals, think again.
taken from
here.hell yeah! it's time DLSU gets a favorable response from the UAAP board!
Lexy - RushLabels: archers, DLSU, random
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
new layout ^_^
1:43 PM
it's the first day of august and i have to say goodbye to my green and depressing layout for the month of july. don't get me wrong, i loved my july layout... it's green. need i say more? *grins*
for august, i picked d.lockheart's severed heartstrings layout. it's actually one of his first layouts, and i was quite hesitant to use it. but it's pink and i'm feeling girlie today. lol... so there. i like the butterfly thigies *points to the image on the left of the screen* and the heart graphics *points to the upper part of the side bar*.. see, girlie mode today. ^___^
i've also removed the fics part. i haven't had the time to update it, so it must be removed. hah! though i did get quite a few hits because of those fics, but... i hate to short-change people. so off they go. but just tag or IM me if you want to request for the fics i've made a review here. of course, i won't be redistributing some fics that the authors do not want redistributed, but i am willing to give you guys the links ^_^... retained the favorite sites list though. ahehe.. just in case my bookmarks get deleted in my PC when i reformat it. though i think i won't be reformatting my PC for a while ^^
what else... oh, finished downloading the 4th episode of Hana Kimi japanese version... i shall go and watch it after this entry. currently downloading the Five in the Black Budokan concert in Clubbox. I did download the clip of them singing Proud in the tour, where Micky cried. and i tell you, i didn't know whether to be annoyed or touched or amused because he was crying. he even missed his lines and made Yunho and Junsu cry! but i still love the emotional guy despite and in spite of his emotional streak. *gets hit by Tamara*
by the way, welcome back Tam!!! were you able to go to Everland? ^_^
and to all those who tagged, replies in a while, promise. just have to finish my 7-day work week. oh yes. i'll be working for 7 days this week. TT_______TT
but it is ok... it's work. *sniff...sigh*
Sounds: Fly to the Sky - Missing You
Labels: downloads, Jdorama, layout
0 people sat with me and waited