Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Fashion 70s love
1:21 PM
whew.. i haven't updated this blog for like forever. ok, it's just 8 days but that's a loong time. argh! alright that's not long compared to the amount of time i didn't update in the latter part of 2007. lol XD
anyway, holy week came and went. i went to work during the lenten season but it was ok. all of us in the team didn't go on vacation, but it was fun at the office. we're enjoying the remainder of our time at the present office because come May we'll be moving to Electra House. They say the new building is ok... but what concerns me the most is the ghost stories. i don't like being stuck at the office all alone. With our line of work, there is always that off chance of being stuck at work alone. *sigh* guess i just have to keep my fingers crossed, hoping that they won't leave me alone in that scary place T.T
update on my To Do List! i am almost finished with
Fashion 70s! yebah! i am so loving the story! and the 2 guys are uber hot, i swear. they make me swoon! hehe... i'm on episode 21 right now and i'm just about finished with it. i'm watching it on
crunchyroll.com because i got fed up with the awful subtitles in the DVD i brought. yesh, i love the person who created crunchyroll ^^
as for
The Zahir, i'm almost done. i have no impression of it as of now. yeah, i get the idea but so far, i don't find it as appealing as
The Alchemist. i just found it interesting in the start... but who knows, i might just fall in love with it as i read the end. after all, i am just on pae 152 ;)
what else, oh... i need to update my blogs. gosh... my multiply and livejournal are dead. and so is my cyworld. geesh... need to update those things at least once a week. we can't keep our social networks dead, right? *wink* ah! and i'm not updated with TVXQ anymore T.T and here i am helping out with the 5G. i ought to be ashamed of myself. *sniff sniff* but hey, i love them all the same... :)
hmmm... the boyfriend is in cebu for work, and i am bored. guess there's nothing else to do but finish that drama and the rest of my things to do list.
ok, till my next post! ;)
Sounds : Leona Lewis - Bleeding LoveLabels: korean stuff, TTDL, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, March 17, 2008
bored but busy
2:27 PM
just got home from grocery shopping with my mom and brother. sheesh... i feel so tired but i'm not sleepy, hence the blogging *wide grin*
i'm using tthe shiny new lappie now. it's my first time to post using the lappie, and it's great. i need to know if this thingie's got something wrong with it because the 7-day replacement warranty will be so over tomorrow so far, everuthing's great. just have to install some stuff. hihi...
just an update on my things to do list. i'm almost done with Fashion 70s. gosh... i didn't know how nice the story is. i'm on episode 16 now. ah! and Bin is so ruggedly cute. i love him. i love both male leads. geez... the two girls in the story are so damn lucky ^_^ will provide more reviews when i finally do finish the series. :)
also, i'm halfway done with Paulo Coehlo's The Zahir. It's interesting... When I read By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, the author said something about The Lady. and here in The Zahir, Coehlo mentioned it again. I need to get my copy of all of his works so i can really study it. I think there's a corelation in all of this. but that's what i think. hmm.. will post about it more when i finish the book. :)
let's see... i've got 2 out of 7 in my list. i'm sure i'll be able to finish abother 2. let's keep our fingers crossed. hihi.. meanwhile, pics of my lappie... hihi:

ah, i know, it looks like a bandaged old lappie, but i'm keeping the
screen plastic something before i can get a real screen protector. teehee :)

here's the specs as listed on the laptop
guess that will do for now. will have to take decent pictures of my new baby, including the from, back and side. which reminds me, i have to recharge my digital camera. T.T
toodles... till my next post.
Sounds: Nada
Labels: books, paulo coehlo, techie stuff, TTDL
1 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, March 13, 2008
hello shiny new lappie <3
6:09 PM
long time no write. T.T
yeah, it's been a while since i wrote something here. can't say i've been very busy lately. just that i prefer sleeping over writing some stuff here. lol XD seriously, i find sleeping to be so enjoyable. maybe the years of lack of sleep finally caught up with me. ^^
anyway, got myself a shiny new lappie. yey! bye bye Toshiba Satellite, hello new Lenovo Y410. i am loving this new laptop so far. it's a C2D with 1G of RAM, almost 160G of HD space and it's got VeriFace authentication feature. yebah! the camwhore in me is very happy indeed ^_^
here's the full specs of the new lappie. will be uploading pics tomorrow. the new lappie is all out of battery. hehehe. :)
- intel T5450 Core 2 Duo processor (1.66GHz, 2MB Cache, 667MHz FSB)
- 14.1" Vibrant View (glossy) screen
- Windows Vista Home Premium
- Intel X3100 Integrated graphics
- Dual layer DVD/CD Recordable optical drive
- 1.3MP web camera
- 160GB Hard Drive
- 1GB - 2GB Memory
- 6-cell battery with 4 hours quoted life
- 2 speakers, 1 sub woofer
- Ports: 3 USB 2.0, IEEE 1394, VGA, S-Video, 6-in-1 card reader(SD/SD Pro, MS/MS Pro, MMC, XD), ExpressCard
- Weight: 5.2lbs
more info about the lappie
okidoks, got to go got to go get ready for work. hihi
next update soon! i promise ^^
Labels: techie stuff
2 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My Daemon ^^
4:58 PM
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, March 3, 2008
and it's all because of you~
12:11 PM
oh yeah, i'm in
Ne-Yo mode, and i didn't even watch the concert. i wanted to, but was too lazy to get tickets. and i was also saving up for a singapore trip. well, looks like that singapore trip won't push thru this June.
i've decided that i won't be going with the flow for the Great Singapore Sale... will go there once the smoke clears and i'm free to roam the streets of this quaint little city harbor. and i plan to do the whole backpacking scene. oh yeah, hostels are the way to go for that trip. i want to experience this first-hand so that when i do a European backpacking trip, i'm prepared (hey, it's free to dream, right?). XD
anyway, i'm looking forward to a Bohol or Davao trip this year. i'm bringing my brother to Bohol because i want him to see how pretty the island is. plus, my brother hasn't seen a beach, so it'll be great for him. and Davao!!! i've always wanted to go to one of th biggest city in Asia. i've been hearing wonderful stories about it and i want to see it for myself ^_^
come december, i'm going back to Bangkok. i'll go there with my brother because i want him to see the tigers. honestly, more than the dongbang experience, i treasure our Tiger Temple trip visit. the tigers are beautiful creatures... *sigh*
with the beautiful creature... more photos in my
friendster account and soon in my Multiply account
hmm.. looks like i have a lot of plans this year. but that's ok. i love it! ^_^
everybody knows that i'm not a big health buff. i don't pay attention to what i eat or what-not. so i decided to give this dietary supplement a try. It's called
Glucorell R and today is my first day in taking the capsules.
here's what it basically does (from
While it has many properties, the one that people find most interesting is its ability to keep sugars from making you fat. How does it do this?
First it acts as a glucose disposal agent. It actually increases the amount of carbohydrates taken up by muscle cells.
Second it improves insulin sensitivity allowing for larger amounts of carbohydrates to be shuttled into muscle cells.
Third it lowers plasma insulin which decreases the amount of carbohydrates and fats ingested from being stored as adipose tissue (FAT). It is more effective with carbs, so a low fat diet is preferable for best results. This also helps prevent diabetes.
interesting right? especially for me since i love sweets! lol... people from the Health and Fitness forum of
Pinoy Exchange have been using this and all i can hear are positive results so i'm giving it a try. will also give thermorexin a try since i need energy for my workout sessions. got to contact
blakedaddy for those supplements!
sheesh... i sound like a health buff! just looking out for my health coz we're all not getting any younger. love thyself, as most people say (though not in a vain sort of way... LOL XD)
ok, thermorexin info on my next post. ^_^
and yes, i did make good on my promise to read
The Zahir by Paulo Coehlo. I'm on page 42 now!!! *cheers* and it's an intriguing story.. about obsession and stuff. now you ask, what is a
zahir? here's an insert from the book:
According to the writer Jorge Luis Borges, the idea of the Zahir comes from Islamic tradition and is thought to have arisen at some point in the eighteenth century. Zahir, in Arabic, means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed. It is someone or something which, once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought, until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered a state of holiness or of madness.
- Faubourg Saint-Peres
Encyclopedia of the Fantastic (1993)
and that's why Paulo Coehlo's book is called a novel of obsession. ;)
Now playing:
Lexy - Big Lexyvia FoxyTunes Labels: bangkok, body, bohol, books, health, thailand, trips
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, March 1, 2008
it's march!!!
8:44 PM
why i didn't post a single note during the month of february is beyond me. seriously. and no, i am not bitter about Valentine's Day, nor was i avoiding it. i was just too busy last month. and i am not joking about that.
alright, so a little update about my so-called life...
i enrolled in a gym. yes my dear friends, i got off my lazy bum and started working out at least two times a week. it's far from ideal since it has to be from four to six times a week, but hey... it's still a major improvement. though i have to really see any improvements... LOL XD
i started sleeping more instead of surfing. yeba! this is another improvement for me. no longer am i the internet addict that i once was. and yes, i do not download stuff like crazy anymore. i don't even know what's up with TVXQ these days. i feel like a bad fan, but i know i'll get back to them eventually. i love them too much to completely forget them ^_^
got hooked on gossip girl! hah! i finished all thirteen episodes in 2 days! Blair is love. i love her. from her style to her kick-ass attitude. and nate is just too good to be true. not really falling for the Dan thing... not one bit. though little sis J is awesome and so cute. hehe... yeah, i have fallen under the spell of the anonymous girl. though i don't want to read the book. i might get disappointed with the series after reading the book (read: Harry Potter syndrome - love the books, hate the movies)
still a workaholic most days, but i'm trying to change that. yeah, serious with work, but when i'm not in the office, i don't think about it. i think i just got too tired of being too much a workaholic when i don't see anything that will come ff it *shrugs shoulders*...
well, enough updating.. feb has been a blah month... but as they say, a month gone, another one coming... so here's to a fun-filled march (i hope)!!
alright, back to normal mode of blogging.... teeheee! hopefully i can be the old blogger that i am.
remember the To Do List i posted up last January? sad to say, i've only accomplished only 3 out of 6. *sigh* so i'm going to post it up again, and i plan to finish everything (including some additional thingies) by the end of March. seriously. again, my To Do List for the month of March is as follows:
- finish reading Conversations Between Us
finish watching Yu Yu Hakushuclean my room- finish The Zahir by Paulo Coehlo
tidy up my cd/dvd collection- do an inventory of my burned discs
- finish watching Fashion 70's (i'm on episode 10.. damnit!)
- finish Full Metal Alchemist
- back up my files
- upload Thai pics in multiply
ok.. i guess that's about it. i refuse to add another bullet to that list because i am going to be frustrated if at the end of the month i see that i haven't accomplished even half of it. and as such, i am going to start with reading
The Zahir after i log off.
Yes, i now turn my pc off. and that comes as a surprise even to me. heck, i sometimes don't turn the pc on when i get home from work. major,
major improvement! ^_^
oh, and right now, we're in the planning stag for the
Fifth Gathering of CassPH. wow. can't believe it's already the 5G. anyways, we have a lot of stuff planned so to our regular attendees, thank you! see you there on April 19! ^_^
this is a somewhat long update. and i'm glad. i needed to sort things out. before, i blog because i need to de-stress, and i hope this'll make me start blogging regularly again. not that i am stressed, but i want to write something, anything... *sigh*
and i realize i haven't posted any pics on my last few posts. so i'm sharing some now.
the green stuff!!!
here's the green tea we ordered when we ate at Ted's La Paz Batchoy

Pepero is love... and the green is soooo love because it has almonds ^_^
the hoodie jacket i so want to buy for baby Yunho!!! whee~
okay, that's about it for green stuff. will upload more pics when i get the chance... and because i am missing my Fly to the Sky boys, I am sharing one of their songs. Here's a link to download their song, "Like Shining Stars". it's from their Eternity (Greatest Hits) album, and i love it sooo much. Here you go:
Like Shining Stars by Fly to the Sky
Just love their voices and the song... *dreamy-eyed*
Alright, got to get going... I have an early day tomorrow. Plus, i need to remind myself that I want/need a new blog layout. ^_^
Now playing:
Son Ho Young - Andoenayovia FoxyTunes Labels: american series, download, gym, korean stuff, TTDL, updates
0 people sat with me and waited