Thursday, May 31, 2007
9:46 AM
okay, my last post for may is so disappointing T___T
this is from
tama @ dbsk thread in soompi:
Just wanted to clarify something. The October dates for Taiwan and HongKong that was published by the Chinese papers are false =x
The China fans called up SM/Avex to complain because China was suppose to get them first, and also because Taiwan and HK looked like they were getting two concerts, while China was just going to get one.. turns out, no one is getting anything.. yet.
Anyway, SM/Avex officially replied saying that, those dates are false and made up by the Chinese publishers.
No dates have been set for any concerts as of yet for the other legs of their Asia Tour.
i am going crazy!!! will be back later when i feel ok >__<
Dong Bang Shin Ki - HarudalLabels: disappointment
1 people sat with me and waited
Monday, May 28, 2007
Queen of Wishful Thinking <33
4:53 AM
i just fell in love with yunho all over again. aaarrrggghhh!!! skyelee, the author of Queen of Wishful Thinking, really did it. omfg. it did what Compulsion did to me!!
oh yes, i so agree with anne and the one who wrote that note in the story, if ever you find yourself "lost" and "away" from Yunho, just read this fic and you'll fall in love with Jung YunHo all over. waaahhh.. i am spazzing and i don't care. i cannot find a fault in this fanfic. i'm sure there are or there is but because i am too blinded by yunho's sweetness, i can't see it. dang.. i so want to be the girl in the story. and take note... the girl is two years older than my dear yunnie.
what is it with TVXQ and noonas? waaahhh... *kinikilig*
and it didn't help that i was listening to Miduhyo when i was at the part where YunHo randomly visited the girl to give her a present then the girl was saying "Isn't that what couples do?" omfg... i am so going to post some quotes here from that fic. now i owe you my dear readers (if i have any) quotable quotes from Queen of Wishful Thinking and wedspawn's one-shots...
and i owe you a decent review of this fic and The Bartender and the Beast. i don't have the courage to continue reading Undertones of Forever just yet. I'm still giddy because of all the sweetness i just read..
damnit jung yunho! you make me go crazy!!!
Sounds: Dong Bang Shin Ki - My Little Princess
Labels: fanfic, love, reviews
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, May 27, 2007
fanfic + movie reviews and then some techie stuff
12:57 PM
i really really need to look for our Windows XP installer. it's gone missing and i don't know where to start looking T___T... i don't want to resort to buying another disc cos it costs around P8000 for the Full home edition. And what I'm using right now is WinXP Professional with Service Pack2. aarrrggghhh... and buying a pirated copy is out of the question. unless i get too desperate that i actually start looking for one. when it comes to operating systems, i try my best to get the real deal lest i experience some technical problems. aish... i need to start searching. *sniff*
speaking of techie stuff, i brought some Philips DVD+Rs, you know those expensive kinds that you see in Odyssey stores or something... and I must say, there's a reason why they're expensive. when you burn stuff on those cheapo DVD-Rs, most often than not you spend 30-50 minutes of your time burning right? as for philips, i spent less than 15 minutes burning 4.29Gb of files. whee~ now i won't be buying DVD-Rs from CD-R King. and it doesn't help that their DVD-Rs are often out of stock these days. so i'm settling with the expensive DVD-Rs. i guess it really is a matter of quality over quantity, ne?
moving on, i'm planning on buying a compact digicam. err... i dunno why, but i'm getting tired of my Sony Handycam. it's cool when you're taking vids, but the picture quality is just bleh... i'm thinking of buying a Nikon or an Olympus one. i need to decide soon. but i also want an SLR camera. pshh.. but i think i need to learn the basics of photography first... XD now a degree in LibArts sound appealing. hehe...
i still haven't updated my other blog. fics and movies occupy most of my time these days. but i will be updating it. maybe i'll just post an article i wrote when i was still writing for The LaSallian. yeah, that's what i'll do. kinda busy these days. fangirling and work does not mix XD
so what's to review? err... let's start with the movies. i'm supposed to post up the movie posters but DSL is being an @ss so i'd have to do it tomorrow or later. reviews:
Spiderman 3
okay, despite the negative comments and reviews i've been reading, this movie is actually quite acceptable. it's not as horrible as i've heard others say. it's not blockbuster material for me, but it will do. i just find it weird that even after Harry was able to hurt Peter, he just let everything slide. now that is not evil. okay, so maybe this is the SandMan's time to shine, but after the first and second movie dealing with Harry's father, it's quite disappointing that Harry didn't play much of an important role. and Harry ending up like that is sooo sad. maybe that's the reason why i find this movie kind of acceptable. i'm a sucker for sad endings. lol.. and it is sooo obvious that there's going to be a Spiderman 4. uurrgghh!! why can't American movies stick with just a sequel? sequels are nice... and less confusing.
so, my rating. let's see... out of 5 stars, i give this 2 stars (yeah, i am feeling more and more of a critic when i give out stars.. in fact i'll be doing that from now on. hehe..) mainly because of the reasons stated above.
Death Note (Japanese Movie)
just like the previous movie, i've heard a lot of negative things about this. never mind that i did read the manga, reviews were saying things like "if you love the manga, you'll hate the movie"... well, the movie is quite acceptable. i now understand why movies deviate from the manga or book's storyline. in this movie, Yagami Light (Raito) has a girlfriend. whereas in the manga, he's a handsome guy with no girlfriends (and i wonder why people don't mistake him as gay in the manga ??!!). as i watch the movie, i understand that this particular detail will play a huge role. i guess you guys will just have to read the manga and watch the movie to get what i mean. overall, they did a good job with the movie. i like how they presented everything, from the very beginning, till the last scene with Amane Misa. and of course, L is love. L has been my favorite ever since... anyway, it may not compare to the manga, but let's think, a movie is only around an hour or two long, whereas a manga can last as long as 100+ chapters. ^^
Rating: 4 stars (for trying to stick with the manga's storyline and for the superb CG, only thing is, i don't like the one who played Misa. yeah, this is my biased rating... so sue me. lol, this is my blog after all. hehe)
Death Note 2: The Last Name
this sequel is very very nice. i absolutely love it. this is one movie that every death note fan should never miss. even though it is soooo different from the manga, i love it. all details are properly thought out and even though Melo and Near didn't make it to the movie, it's quite fine. If you think about it, M and N's appearance in the movie would make it longer and i guess a third and fourth installment would be in order. but the way things ended in this movie... it's heart wrenching. well, to me it is because i just love L's character so much. to offer himself as the ultimate sacrifice to stop evil (naks, the drama) is so sad, but it was worth it. i absolutely love the final scene of L with Watari's picture. *sigh* i highly recommend this movie people!! go watch it if you don't want to miss half of your life! ^^
Rating: 5 stars ( the characters acting are awesome, the storyline was well plotted, the great CG is there as always, and of course.. L is l-o-v-e. don't agree with me? go write your own blog entry about the movie :P)
if you want to watch the two japanese movies, i suggest you go to and search for Death Note. the anime is also updated there. i'm currently waiting for episode 33 of the anime. yeah, i'm a DN-addict.
okay, my last review was for Linked to You, My PingPong Boy and Just Maybe, right? err... did i miss anything?
moving on, the last chapter fic I read was The Bartender and the Beast by Moe/Amaranth. i love this fic, though i really didn't like the ending. by ending, i meant the last scene. it seems so plain when you compare it to the other scenes in the fic. or maybe i was just expecting something grand in the end considering that the whole fic is just so nice. err.. ok i think i'm not doing a great job of reviewing the fic. i think it's because i've read this over a week ago and i'm only writing about it now. plus the fact that i've been reading wedspawn's fics.. XD
okay, in order to be fair, i'll be re-reading the fic and then edit this. sounds fair to me...
i'm off to read. tagboard replies next time, i promise ^^
Sounds: Fly to the Sky - Illusion
Labels: fanfic, movies, reviews, techie stuff
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, May 26, 2007
10:21 AM
i have nothing to post... really. nothing.
i don't even know why i opened by blogger account. psshh...
to all those who answered my question a few posts back. thank you!! emo characters are love...
and to all who leeched the MV and audio of Lovin' You, thanks for keeping the link alive. lol XD
uuyy... lovelife... *looks at edcel* meron pala ako non? aigoo.. hehe.
ok, this post seems so senseless..
anyway, i've spent countless hours reading wedspawn's fics and i therefore conclude that i am back to reading yaoi fics! Lemon Ink took my breath away. Who would've thought that having a tattoo would be that meaningful?? *melts* and Pearled Ice is just so love... I love how wedsapwne weave the words to make it soooo romantic. and my absolute favorite, Hints of Lemon and Kisses. my heart goes to changmin in this one-shot. *sigh* i'll be compiling some quotes from these one shots because they are just so loooovvveee... it's ssooo romantic. yeah, i'm spazzing. lol...
and i promise i really would post the quotes up. aish... maybe this sunday. ^^
i think i'll post more later. once i think of a nice topic. :)
Sounds: Fly to the Sky - Gravity
Labels: random
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, May 24, 2007
second chances?
6:23 AM
everybody and everything deserves a second chance right? i guess i'll just have to convince myself of that. i must admit i am a bit biased, the only person i can give second chances to is that someone in the States. but i've long accepted tha fact that everything is over between us. still love the guy, but if it's not meant to be, it's not... all i can do is pray for his happiness. i know someday i'm just going to break down and cry. haven't done that yet, not in the last 6, 7, 8 years that i last saw him. ah, tears..
not sure why i started writing about this stuff. just feeling.. emo? i dunno. i think i've just come to the realization that maybe, just maybe, the reason why i can't find my knight in shining armor is because i've compared everyone to him. he iss perfect in my eyes, even when he broke my heart. and i guess that made it hard to see everyone else's qualities clearly. it's been almost 8 years and still he haunts every aspect of my life. how pathetic. T__T
*sigh* how about giving someone else a second chance, then... i do hope everything will turn out ok this time.
i'm keeping my fingers crossed...
that was pretty emo.. oh well... life's like that ^^
Sounds: 5566 - Wo Nan Guo
Labels: love
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, May 21, 2007
Lovin' You PV download links...
4:32 PM
just a quick post.. wanted to share some links and screencaps of the
latest PV from
TVXQ! but before that, screencaps! this is just the LQ version, so the piccies are small T___T:
and of course,

okies... and now for the links:
Labels: download, korean stuff, links
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, May 20, 2007
meeting meeting? ^^
7:12 AM
before i start, i just need to ask something very
, very important...
does anyone know what these characters are:

i just saw this at some random person's blog. i think it's so cute, in a weird kind of way. yeah, call me weird. i won't deny that i am. so anyone? i want these characters. it's so cute!! i've been seeing a lot of these characters in some forums and i still don't know what they're called... i need names people! T__T
and before i go right ahead, i want to share something that is so pathetic that i want to cry... i was browsing soompi's tech forum and happen to come across this thread about posting up my internet speed. people just go to and click a few icons and then ta-da, they can check your internet speed for you. so because i am just so freakin' curious, i decided to try it. and this is what i found out:

pathetic huh? and i was looking at other's speeds and my jaw literally dropped. they've got like over 6000 kbps for download speeds. but considering the network latency, plus the distance from the server... i guess this is expected. aarrgghh.. why do i have to be born in a 3rd world country? love the philippines, but i hate how poor it is. aish. i wish i was born in korea or japan. yeah, still in asia, but it's not that bad.
somebody take me to japan!!
met up with
paopaopao, pao g., tintin, mishi, edward, and
jhorrell yesterday. we were going to discuss details for the
3rd CassPH Gathering, and well... we were able to discuss a few bits and pieces of the gathering. seems like this gathering will be a bit laid-back. nothing fancy. we decided that there'll be no september gathering, instead we'll be dealing with sponsorships and everything between june and september. then come december, there'll be the Big Celebration. lol... plans for the 3rd gathering are still in the rough stages, but i'm sure with a bit of online conferences, we'll be alright.
anyway, we met up at G4 Food Choices (where else). Paopaopao and me ate first and we were talking about our HK plans and some random stuff while waiting for the others to arrive. Ok, short cut of the story, when mishi, edward, tintin and jhorrell arrived, we talked about the gathering a bit then headed out to
noraebang.. yes, noraebang! wheee~ i haven't been to noraebang for a while. then we went to this korean grocery and brought stainless steel chopsticks and this Korean drink that Paopaopao recommended,
Milkis. We all love it! I think i'm going to be craving for it all week. lol. good thing local
7-11 stores have it. yey... something new ^^
we also ate an early dinner at
Min Sok Resto.. and we ordered our usual
samgyupsal. yes, i finally remembered the pork-wrapped-in-leafy-veggies-with-side-dishes thingie. lol. and mishi and i ordered
bibimbap. we decided to share coz we weren't sure if we'd like it. but we all ended up eating it. haha... we all liked it because it's so nice. ^^ and remember th side dishes thingie? haha.. they have the egg rolls that we love so we kept on asking for it. and kimchi is l-o-v-e... ^^
picture of the bibimbap we ate:
already mixed bibimbap, with kimchi and
the pork for ths samgyupsal in the background
it's gonna be a month before we go to that Korean resto again. ^^
ok, til my next post! ^^
Ayumi Hamasaki - Blue Bird (MX Project Online Radio)Labels: cute stuff, frustrations, korean stuff
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, May 17, 2007
guys point of view
10:41 AM
This is so cute that i decided to repost it here in my blog...
call me a romantic or whatever, but i still think it's cute ^^
You might agree with it, but when it
actually happens 96% of girls dont
realize it 'til it is too late and that
guy who did it is so frustrated that he
has moved on to someone who will take
notice .
From a guys point of view:
We don't care if you talk to other
We don't care if you're friends with
other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and
some random guy walks into the room and
you jump up and tackle him, without
even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us
It doesn't help if you sit there and
talk to him for ten minutes without
even acknowledging the fact that we're
still there.
We don't care if a guy calls you, but
at 2 in the morning we do get a little
Nothing is that important at 2 a.m.
that it can't wait
till the morning.
Also, when we tell you you're pretty/
beautiful/ gorgeous/
cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.
Don't tell us we're wrong.
We'll stop trying to convince you.
One the sexiest thing about a girl is
Yeah, you can quote me.
Don't be mad when we hold the door
open. Take Advantage of the mood im in.
let us pay for you! dont "feel bad"
about it
We enjoy doing it. It's expected.
Smile and say "thank you."
Kiss us when no one's watching.
If you kiss us when you know somebody's
looking, we'll be more impressed.
You don't have to get dressed up for
If we're going out with you in the
first place, you don't have to feel the
need to wear the shortest skirt you
have or put on every kind of makeup you
We like you for who you are and not
what you are.
honestly, i think a girl looks more
beautiful when she's just in her pj's.
or my tshirt and boxers, not all dolled
Don't take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the
beauty in it.
Don't get angry easily.
Stop using magazines/media as your
Don't talk about how hott Morris
Chesnutt, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney
is in front of us.
It's boring, and we don't care. You
have girlfriends for that.
Whatever happened to the
word "handsome"/"beautiful"
Girls, I cannot stress this enough:if
you aren't being treated right by a
guy, dont't wait for him to
change.ditch his sorry,disgrace to the
male population ass and find someone
who will treat you with utter respect
Someone who will honor your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when
you're at your
Someone who will care for you even when
you make mistakes.
Someone who will love you, no matter
how bad you make them feel, or what you
Someone who will stop what theyre doing
just to look you in the eyes....and
say "i love you" ..and actually mean
Give the nice guys a chance
Guys repost this if you agree
Girls repost this if you think it's
Every Guy who isn't a jerk will agree
with this, so we hope that all the
girls that read this will repost this
Tips for the less experienced:
*Holdin Hands
Girls :If you want to hold his hand,
gently bump into it a couple of
Guys : Grab it if it happens more than
Girls : When you want to cuddle with
him, tell him you're cold
Guys : Automatically move closer to
Girls : During a movie, if he puts his
arm around you, tilt your head on his
Guys : Lift her chin up and kiss her.
*Loving each other
Guys : When she tells you she loves
you, look deep into her eyes, give her
a peck on the lips, and tell her you
love her
too... And mean it.
*Laying below the stars
Girls : When you're both laying under
the stars, put your head on his chest
and close your eyes as you listen to
his steady heart beat
Guys : Whisper in her ear and link your
hands with hers.
By 12 am tonight your one true love
will realize how much they want you.
V6 - Feel the BreezeLabels: bulletin
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
it sucks...
12:17 PM
i just need to rant because i am so totally pissed...
i have just been accused by one of my closest friends of not paying enough attention on what's going on with her life. oh yes... she expects me to know every little detail that's going on with her while i go about doing thousands of stuff at work. she expects me to be updated about her life when she doesn't even know that i am almost a zombie with all that's been happening. and i thought friendship is leisure. *sniff*
i really don't get it. it just hurts to know that while you can't even find time to sleep, some person you call a friend would come up and accuse you of not being a friend. what is up with that? i didn't know that friendship requires you being with your friend 24/7 and knowing all about her deepest darkest secrets... i'm a firm believer that no matter the distance, physical or psychological or whatever... friendship bonds cannot be broken. and i have Marjan (my best friend since 2nd grade who's now in the states) as proof of that.
(liezel, i know you're reading this...) ... people who knows me best know that i'm not the showy type. they know that if i have problems, i keep it to myself. they know that i don't voice out what i feel most of the time... and i thought you were one of those people who knows me best...
liezel, i'm not angry. i know we'll patch this up soon... i miss the way things were too, but dwelling on it won't make it come back. we all have our lives and careers to think about. and we've got responsibilities, not only to ourselves, but also our family and our respective companies (yeah, still work T__T)... just know that even if i'm too busy to even answer your SMS, that doesn't mean i don't remember and miss you. remember? i'm not the showy type. *hugs* we'll meet up on sunday, that's a promise.
"friends pick you up when you fall... but there are times
when you have to learn to rise up on your own"
that we have that out of the way, i think i can finally continue finishing up this report. aish.. i still need to redo the CassPH layout. busy-busy... T___T
oh.. and to add to all the drama, i accidentally sent an SMS to my ex... it was purely accidental. i was going to send a message to Erwin, but then it got sent to him instead. T___T and you know what his reply was? "This is a surprise. I Miss You"... yeah, sweet. that's one of the reasons why i really like him. a lot. you know what my reply was? "*hugs* :smiley here:"...
told you i'm not showy... and that's my ex-boyfriend for crying out loud... -___-
tagboard replies when i get everything done (er, maybe next year? *sniff*)
Sounds: Mandy Moore - It's Got To Be Love
Labels: frustrations
1 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Lovin' You <3
10:05 AM
Just a quick post... found this translation at soompi. i am so loving the song <333
Lovin' You (translated lyrics)
by TVXQ!
When you arrive at the station
You are no longer my girlfriend
Walking a bit slowly
You are trying to figure out what to say
It's okay to not talk till the end
I can tell when I see your face
The thing I have been waiting for is coming near
Oh everday laughing by my side
You far away I can no longer meet you from that day
LOVIN' YOU your hand I was holding
LOVIN' YOU is getting farther
LOVIN' YOU the warmth of your hand
LOVIN' YOU I remembered
My heart that hoped to protect you
What was it pushing on
Your heart is closing in
I couldn't even realize
Oh hard to say your smiling face more than anything else
So far away I wanted to make you smile once more
LOVIN' YOU your hand I was holding
LOVIN' YOU I looked at your fingers
LOVIN' YOU Only night but in the gentle breeze
LOVIN' YOU it was glowing
As if we can meet again tomorrow
I hope you keep looking back
Before what we saw together
Becomes a memory
LOVIN' YOU your hand I was holding
LOVIN' YOU is getting farther
LOVIN' YOU only you
LOVIN' YOU I wanted
LOVIN' YOU that smiling face
LOVIN' YOU I saw a dream
LOVIN' YOU Only night but in the gentle breeze
LOVIN' YOU it was glowing
LOVIN' YOU I saw a dream
Lyrics: Bestiz
Dong Bang Shin Ki - Lovin' You
Labels: lyrics, translation
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, May 14, 2007
all in vain <3
1:35 PM
i'm still upset because of my files. huhuhu.. but what's done is done. heck, i can still go online, right? aish.. i need someone to look at my pc. i still think there's something wrong with it... good thing some of the fics i love are saved in my USB... i need to buy a 4G thumb drive. *sniff*
anyway, there are news that HongKong concert will be on October 20 and 21. i so want to go!!! i am going!! it's a 2-day concert! and i'm also planning on going to that Taiwan one. but... that scuba diving thingie is making me think. should i go with scuba diving and then just go to the HK concert? or cancel the scuba diving thing and go on both places? aish... i think i can still save up for the HK and TW concert even if i went ahead with the scuba diving thing. but i am still planning to buy some gadget. aarrgghh... why do i want so many things? *sniff*
let's just see how everything will turn out. *cross fingers*
as i've said some posts ago, i've finished with Just Maybe, The Bum Who Fell Into a Pothole, and now Linked To You. should i write a review?
ok then...
Just Maybe
this story is very promising. i would have liked it better if the characters were given more life (?!) it just seems like everything's ... how do i put it. ok... the characters weren't given much chance to shine. it's more on the situation actually. i dunno. i like fics with interesting characters placed on amusing (sometimes awkward) situations. the story was able to touch on the character's personality alright... but i felt it was such a cliffhanger. i felt that there's got to be something more to the characters, something that was forgotten to be written there.... or maybe i was just reading fics with weird characters. but overall, it was nice. maybe a little more situational chapters to give the characters the chance to shine on their own and to make readers really know the characters.. but then that would make the fic too long, and long fics aren't exactly everyone's cup of tea.
The Bum Who Fell Into A Pothole
this is L-O-V-E!!! it's a weird/unusual character placed in a very, very common situation. and that line... "because i fell into a pothole and i can't get out" something part. shoot.. that did it for me. i was smiling like crazy when i read that. i guess what i really liked about the story was how well-thought/planned it was. and the characters were so interesting that you'd want to get to know them, as in really know them. it's got that teasing effect, making you want to spend all night just reading to find out what will happen (which is what i did)... there were a few times when it was quite predictable, but the way the writer writes it out make it so interesting that instead of being irritated about the story being predictable, you'd be amused with it. now i know why a lot of people recommend this.
soompi writers are really good...
Linked To You (Part 1 and 2 + sidestory)
now this one... i really like this. what was lacking in part 1 was completely covered in part 2 and the sidestory. you see, in part 1 i was complaining that Seo Dae Young was too vague. which made it interesting, alright. but sometimes it annoys me, but that made me love his character more. part 1 has just the right blends... not too dramatic, not too funny. and YoungJun and JiEun's characters are simply love. that's why i was so disappointed in the second part. that was the only letdown for me, in the second part... the second part was so dramatic. it's got so many crying and depressed scenes... but what am i to do? i love fics like that. it's not actually angsty... just sad. but i'm glad that it's a happy ending. and just for the record: i am loving the author's way of writing. i love it. i am now the author's fan. i dunno, i just love the way she wrote the story.
*off to find more stories by the same author*
next on my reading list are stories from moe, the same person who wrote My PingPing Boy. and maybe Keys Before My Eyes. oh yeah, i'm also going to read Beach Boy. hmm.. got so many stuff to read.. *happy happy*
ok, i have a lot of things to do. geez... first i need my pc looked at by a desktop specialist. seriously. then i need to install the missing programs/softwares i need. i've got MS Office up and running, as well as my media players, i guess all i need is the cyberdvd thingie and photoshop. oh... and i need to redo the banner for the CassPH layout. i was only able to have a backup of the JPG image, wasn't able to backup the PSD file. *sigh*
i have so many things to do.. i want to cry... and work is not helping that much either.
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Lovin' You
Labels: fanfic, frustrations, scuba diving
1 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, May 13, 2007
1:53 PM
i reformatted my pc and lost all the
pics i've saved... death note anime episodes...
kyou kara maou episodes...
videos.... and the
CASSPH layout!!!!
the videos are alright since i have a backup of some of them, but my dear
mp3s... there's like over 8G of mp3s that i haven't backed-up yet...
i am so upset right now T__T
Se7en - Nan Arayo (from iPod)Labels: frustrations
0 people sat with me and waited
Friday, May 11, 2007
scuba diving + Death Note
2:49 PM
my impulsiveness once again got the better of me. T__T
i was getting ready to go home at around 7 in the morning today when JaJa from our AN department approached me and asked if i wanted to attend an orientation for those interested in scuba diving. and of course i was interested! i mean it was something i really wanted to do. so i went on to the orientation... and i came out really wanting to go on with the lesson. heck, i already said yes to taking lessons. and it would cost me around... let's say P14000 at the cheapest. equipment included. but what the heck, this only comes once in a blue moon so i think it's really worth it. *sigh*
i am so excited for the lessons. the best part is, when we finish this course, we get a certification card. and it has no expiry date! meaning when we want to go scuba diving, all we have to do is show the card then we'll be accommodated by resorts and beaches anywhere in the world. i think i just might have discovered a new love.
now all we have to do is schedule the lessons... and save up! yes, i still plan on going to TVXQ's concert. i guess it's goodbye to my plan of buying a new phone. -__-
scuba diving!! yey!! ^^
oh... i forgot, already finished with Death Note The Movie. finished watching it at work. lol.. yeah, that's what i do when i'm bored at work. now i'm finished with episode 23 of the anime... i love the manga and i love the anime...
one more thing... finished with Just Maybe and The Bum Who Fell into a Pothole. reviews about the two fics tomorrow. i actually have a lot to say about those two fics. next on my reading list is Linked To You...
now i'm off to sleep. till my next post ^^
Sounds: w-inds - Milky Way
Labels: anime, manga, movies, scuba diving
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, May 10, 2007
@ work
11:26 PM
oh yes, i am at work blogging. i should have done this earlier. i am so bored. *sigh*
well, we're in a transition process. we're no longer LTGS but ITO. and all the while i thought it was a merger. aish... this is the second time we migrated. yeah, they tell us we're doing a good job and i guess i should be happy with all the amazing development that's been happening in just a span of (almost) eight months, but learning and re-learning everything is sometimes too much for my brain to handle. not only that, but the heavy pressure and the tremendous amount of responsibilities they've given and will be giving us... imagine having access to networks not only in the US but also in Europe and Asia. waw... *sniff*
enough of work... i have a topic for my entry in my other blog. yeah, i decided to do it monthly, that way less hassle. hehe... topic would be stereotypes and misconceptions. that might end up being the title also. got the idea when people at the office started discussing UAAP and NCAA basketball. yes, the article will involve a lot of sports and academic background, a topic very close to my heart since i am a University (news) writer back when i was in college. i'll start writing it tomorrow. now if only my literary side will resurface. *sigh* but i never regretted choosing The LaSallian (TLS) over the Malate Literary Folio (MLF). well, just so people are aware, MLF is De La Salle University's only literary folio. when i was a second year college student, i applied for both publications and thankfully, i passed both. MLF's results came out a week earlier than TLS's. so for a week, i was hanging out with MLF people. now choosing between MLF and TLS was tough. you see, we weren't allowed to join two organizations at the same time. i opted for TLS because i thought i can always write literary stuff, but as for news that everybody will read, that's something rare. the only regret i have is not practicing literary writing...
enough about regrets. what did i do today? oh yes, i finished till episode 20 of Death Note, and i was screaming like a madwoman when i saw M and N on the intro for episode 20. lol.. i love N's character. but i love L more. ahehe. then i was supposed to watch A Moment To Remember... but then i fell asleep. oh well, i'll watch that tomorrow.
ok, plans to watch TVXQ concert is a go. Tam said she wants to go to Hong Kong, and i want to go there too. I plan to go to Korea next year, in time for the Hi! Soeul festival. Scrap the plan part. I am going to Korea next year. oh yes yes... the land of the morning calm. i'll be saving my VLs and SLs for that. i want to stay in Korea for a month, or at the very least, 2 weeks.
and why am i saying this? so i can have the drive to work. hehe... somehow, aiming for something that involves money drives me to work harder and render OT. lol.
ok, boss is calling. will edit this later. ^_^
Sounds: Taebin - Without You (Bonus Track)
Labels: boredom, watch list, writing
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
1:57 PM
i've been tagged by binx... here goes...
List down at least 5 funny thoughts/funny things you did as a kid then choose 10 people to tag. No tagbacks.
1. when i was in fourth grade, our art teacher (yes, we still had an art teacher in 4th grade) asked us to draw what we think the Philippines would be like in the year 2000. what i drew was somewhat like the Jetson's world. ok, that's not funny... hehe.. i just find it funny how naive i was. it's now 2007 and still no flying cars and no underwater cities. T_T
2. my mom said when i was a baby, i would only drink goat's milk, nothing else. if ever they give me cow's milk or those formulas, i wouldn't drink it. i'd just spit it out. i was a weird baby, i know -__-
3. my dad told me this story. when i was a few months old, my parents went to SM in Makati and they were looking around for strollers. my dad placed me in one of those strollers and i was so still that an american couple thought i was a doll. when the lady touched my arm, i cried and that freaked the hell out of the couple that they stepped back. my dad said that he was trying so hard to hold back his laughter while he was watching a few feet away...
4. i always cry whenever i see someone on tv crying. that's why my mom and dad never let me watch television on my own when i was a kid. the habit stopped when i started fifth grade. hehe... another one related to crying: i once saw my ninang cry and i wasn't able to go near her for a year. i didn't know why i acted that way, but something about seeing her cry made me afraid of her. ok, i think that's not funny either. aish...
5. i used to play dress-up and i'd bully my younger brothers into playing the groom or whatever i fancy. hehehe... oh yes, being the eldest has its perks. ^^
tagged: kaisu, ana, jhocel, anne, tam, edcel... all those on my links!! hehehehe...
just an update on my TTD. wait, why should i update? i haven't done anything. *sigh*
well, i was able to reformat the CassPH layout, so i guess i was able to accomplish something. but it's not finished yet. i'll cross that out when it's finished. and i was able to update my sidebar. but that's also not finished, so i won't be crossing that out either.
hopefully, i'll be able to cross out the ltgs thingies after work tonight.
i'll just have to keep my finger crossed... hoping that all circuits within the LTGS network won't go down. *sigh*
till my next post... ^^
Sounds: Utada Hikaru - Making Love
Labels: bulletin
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, May 7, 2007
day of rest
4:37 AM
i got home at around 230pm yesterday. as soon as i got home, i turned on the pc and watched
Death Note till episode 8. but i was so tired that as soon as epi8 was finished (as well as the download for
episode 29), i turned the pc off and went to sleep. yes, it's a miracle that i turned the pc off whie i slept. ^^ that was around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. guess what time i woke up?
2:30am!!! that's 7 hours of sleep... something i've never had for a long, long time. *happy happy*
i've gotten over yesterday's little
incident. i just hope that person does not do a repeat of what she did. i really don't like it when people i don't know act as if we're
close. yeah, i believe i'm quite an approachable person, but i'm not one that could easily make
real friends. especially these days when the internet revolution is at its peak. we have to be careful.
anyway, i've watched
Kyou Kara Maou till episode 5. omg, wolfram is so adorable, getting jealous like that. this anime is really every fangirl's must watch series. i've downloaded till episode 25 of KKM, and it's 78 episodes. yey! i know you're asking, why
download when you can
buy a dvd9 of it? answer is really simple. i want a
clear copy. lol... i'm a sucker for clear copies with high resolution and decent subtitles. that's why even though i've got 3 copies of
Goong aka Princess Hours already, i still downloaded it from
Silent Regrets. which reminds me. i need to update my sidebar. i found a lot of cool links these days. got to add that in.
let's see,
TTD list anyone? ^^ here we go:
- re-format layout for CassPH site
- compile training materials for LTGS
- website for LTGS reference
- backup my files
- fix blog sidebar
okies, before i go,
tagboard replies!! ^^
fin, i opted for the behind the scenes part. i was always the director. lol... but during first year, (the
ibong adarna days...), it's always some princess -__- imagine us girls running around the corridor wearing gowns T___T but it was fun. dramatization is one of the best ways to learn about something. hehehe...
kai, still not finished with
Just Maybe. it's hellweek for me. T___T er, i still have 10 pages to go for Just Maybe. and i checked kung ilang pages ang first part ng
Linked to You sa iPod. and it's
127 pages... kaya ito. and it's about basketball??? whoa!! i remember
MVP Qing Ren. gusto ko non!! now i have to finish Just Maybe para mabasa na ang Linked to You... thanks for coming to the rescue... *hugs*
donna, yesh.. MPPB is love. twice ko na sya binabasa. ahehehehe... at papabasa ko sya sa officemates ko! ^^ mahal ko ang TLS, kaya read ka non ha? although minsan the admin can really dictate what goes on in the paper. oh yes, University publications are being censored by the admin. so sad, walang totoong press freedom sa mga universities. well, except for UP and UST i think.... hm, i think you know who i'm talking about... so sad. *hugs* let's eat
Korean food! go~ kain kami this weekend i think, kasama sila tin and mishi... sama ka ^^
jhocel, gwapo si
matsuda kahit di ko trip ang hair nya sa
Liar Game!! at kagabi may topless scene sya!!! waaahhh!!! *nosebleed* watch mo to!! dali dali... in fairness, maliit lang na files, di umaabot sa 400Mb ang hardsubbed ng Liar Game ^^ Big Bang... na-miss ko sila kahit di ko sila kilalala by name. kilala ko lang si
GD. at di pa ko sure kung sya yun. yung nasa
This Love.. basta sya. ang cute ng bata eh. maraming salamat ^^
tam, sinong manok? may sinabi ba kong manok? ^^ uy, ang gwapo ni
manok micky dun sa new blogpost mo. appealing pic... kelangan i-save. minsan lang magkaron ng appealing pic si mickey... *hides far away* ^^Y
ekah yesh... new layout.. i wub it. it's so
blue. hehe. dapat nga di ko na papansinin. pero the post just ticked me off. thanks *hugs back* waaahhh.. si
Brian. somebody from
Heavenly-Sent saw Brian and Hwanhee eating at a restaurant in Koreatown sa Cali, and she was hugged by Brian!!! waaahhh!! and Brian signed her $100 bill. *sniff sniff* i so envy the girl. sya si BrianJooLover sa
Heavenly Sent waaahhh!! kelan natin makikita ang mga fave gassoos natin? T__T
anne, i love
to a beautiful wolf. astig ang vocabulary ni namoo!! hehe! maganda Liar Game!! watch mo... pag sinimulan mo, you'll want to know what happens next. as in nakaka-hook talaga. si matsuda lang ang kilala ko sa mga hapon. ahaha.. di ko kilala si mokomichi ba yun? siguro kelangan ko ng japanese actors education. ahahaha. ayan, dumating na ang japanese entertainment sa buhay ko. di naman kaya ako mahilo nito? korean, taiwanese, at ngayon naman Japanese... good luck sa akin at sa PC ko. hehehe...
edcel, siguro kilala mo.. siguro hindi. we'll never know. the world is a small place. ahehehe.. napaka-vague ko noh? uy! lumipat na ba kayo ng office? kami lilipat din. pero sa makati din. aalisin ang mga tech sa RCBC. gagawing call center yung office namin. pinaaalis kami! -__-
cle who you? O__O joke joke! looks like you're having fun. sige lang, ituloy lang yan. sulitin mo ang stay mo dyan. don't take twice in taking opportunities, ok?
ano ba pa... ah.. did you guys know that
DVD-Rs are
out of stock at
CD-R King branches in Makati/Glorietta area? yeah. i was going to buy a bunch yesterday because when i checked the DVDs i burned for Edward, there were no files. wtf. then i tried to check the dvd-r using my brother's pc, still no files. weird thing is i can see the
burn marks on the dvd. aish.. i need to replace my writer. T___T
Taebin - B'Cuz I Luv ULabels: anime
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, May 6, 2007
5:45 AM
omg... i just wanted to post something. i am really pissed!!!
i deleted 10 messages in the tagboard from a specific person because:
1. the messages are all the same
2. it's SPAM
3. i feel dissed. yes, i do not like the TW F4 as a group, and perhaps i never will (i'm pretty sure about that last part) me hater all you want, but that's just the way it is...
you know who you are. even though you mean it as a joke, i am not laughing. i'm not this harsh, you can ask the people who posts in the tagboard. i'm quite laidback, but if someone i do not know called me a hater or whatever negative thing, i can be very, very mean.
so please... next time, do not flood and most of all respect my preferences. this is not your blog, it's mine.
tagboard replies later. aish... so early in the morning and my blood pressure is going up. will edit this post later.
Sounds: BoA - Moto
Labels: frustrations
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, May 5, 2007
HD problems and then some
1:09 PM
aish... i started downloading Kyou Kara Maou and Death Note animes... and i almost ran out of hard disk space -__-. Kyou Kara Maou is 78 episodes with 80-100Mb per episode while Death Note is 37 episodes with 175Mb per episode. good thing Death Note's still not finished... uploaded subbed episode is Epi27. *sigh* but i've only managed to watch till episode 3. as for Kyou Kara Maou, i managed to finish four episodes. and i still have to finish YuYu Hakushu. finished with the first disc for YYH. 2 more dvd-9s to go!
i believe i'm making progress, right? ^_^
by the way, Liar Game episode 3 hardsubbed is already out. the story keeps getting better and better. now i honestly don't know how the game will turn out. and... waaaahhh!!!! preview for the fourth episode shows Matsuda Shota topless! *drools* really can't wait for episode 4. but of course, i'll be downloading the hardsubbed version, so i'll have to wait till thursday, i think. but it really is worth the wait. ^^
work is stressful these days. so many issues... aish. why can't people be content with what they've got? and why can't people assume responsibilities for their own actions? ok, enough of this. i'm already stressed as it is. i need to unwind.
been browsing random people's blogs in blogger when i chanced upon someone i think i know. well, i know her. but i just wasn't sure. i mean, she's got her pix up, but the blogposts just irritate the hell out of me. if it weren't for the pic, and just having the posts as my basis, i could've sworn i don't know her. but there's that pic of her for all the world to see! and the blogposts, let me tell you, those posts are nowhere near the person i thought i knew. yeah, we don't talk that often anymore, but do people really change in just 8 months?? aish, her posts are so not like her. sad to say, it seems like she's become a fake person. i know that she's got a new life and everything, but that does not mean that she has to change overnight. the person i knew back then, or rather i thought i knew, was sweet, thoughtful and very very simple. the person that i am reading about just a few seconds ago is not like that. the person's a wannabe, pathetic, spoiled snob. i'm really, really disappointed with how she turned out. but i do hope she's happy. everyone deserves to be happy...
random thought: i want korean food. anybody up to go to that Korean resto Pao introduced last time? i am really craving Korean food now. T__T
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Break Up the Shell
0 people sat with me and waited
Thursday, May 3, 2007
another layout change
3:18 PM
changed the layout again. the previous white one didn't do well with me. er.. actually, it was ok, until i started inspecting the links. it went crazy when i checked the january and february entries. so i began searching for skins in blogskins. and when i saw this skin, i fell in love with it. it's so nice, and i know you'd have to agree.
the one who designed this is pure talent. i swear. and editing the code was a breeze. according to his description, the layout was inspired by a song from Jessica Simpson. and who would've thought that... okay, i'm gonna let you fill in the rest. lol.
i am up against a deadline. heck, i hate deadlines. but i have to admit, deadlines help me stay focused and sometimes i have the best results when i'm pressured. take note: sometimes. XD
okay, i'm off to work my @ss off. later~
whee~ i love my new layout. ^_^
Sounds: Taebin - The Reason I Close My Eyes
0 people sat with me and waited
yesh... <3
9:08 AM
finally found out what went wrong with the layout. i took a look at the html code and found out that the designer "centered" the header image while putting the sidebar and blog body divisions on absolute positioning. that explained everything right there. so what i did was i removed the "center" tag on the image header and put it in an absolute position. er... yeah, html talk is boring. but i like it.
anyway, a lot of things have been happening in the office lately. what with the merging with the Information Technology Office (ITO) in the US and the projects our team will be doing... it's very exciting, but i can't help but feel very overwhelmed with the amount of trust that the US Headquarters is giving us. yeah, it's great, but the pressure is also there.
i guess we'll just have to hope for the best.
nothing much happening lately, so i guess my post will be very very short. as in this short. lol...
and yeah... i am still waiting for the subs for Liar Game episode 3. the subber got delayed... -_-
aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!! my account was accidentally deleted in forever. *sniff sniff* i feel so bad for myself right now. i got over 200+ posts there (which enables me access to the exciting sections), and now it's all gone. i'm back to ground zero. huhu... but i guess it can't be helped. now i'm going to post and post and post.... *sniff*
Sounds: Eraserheads - Pare Ko
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
labor day
5:07 AM
wow... it's a first for me to finally update my blog on the first of the month. i usually post something up and change layouts within the first five days, but never on the first day. lol... it's fun to have a lot of free time. i just don't like having too much free time that i become too lazy T__T.
anyway, the layout for
may is simple. as in, very
very simple. it's black, white and gray. i don't know what's gotten into me but i prefer the
"quietness" for the may layout. speaking of may, there have been some news that it'll be rainy in may. my officemate even said that
PAG-ASA is predicting the start of the
la nina phenomenon this may. geez.. they give us this extremely hot weather in april then make up for it by bringing in the rains this may. *sigh*
edit:kai said that the header's off by a few inches in
Firefox, so i need help. i actually previewed this layout using FF, so i really don't know what's wrong. i guess it has something to do with the screen resolution? i'm using 1024x768, and it looks fine, look:

anybody else having issues with my layout? erm, please comment and tell me what browser you're using, the version and your screen resolution. sorry, just a bit OC about this stuff. and it would really help heaps. thanks much...
i began reading
fics again. well, it's not that i actually stopped, what i meant was i began reading some other fics that's not on my "
reading list"*see list on the left*. it started out of boredom, really. i was bored out of my wits at work, then i started
lurking soompi forums. went to the fix section then started browsing around.
first, i read
to a beautiful wolf. been seeing that title in the recommendations thread so i read it. and it was so good. *sniff* i was teary-eyed by the time i was on the last chapter. it was a nice read. i especially liked the male protagonist's vocabulary... lol,
"you've been upgraded" was it? what i liked most about it was the fact that there's always a sense of mystery involved... from the placement of the graves to who really killed the guy's (i forgot the name, i'm bad with names T_T) father. i like it. and now i wonder why i always have a soft spot for tragic endings. -___-
then i read everyone's recommended fic:
My PingPongBoy. and let me tell you... i
love it. there's really something about
bad boys that appeal to me. no wonder that everybody keeps telling me to read it. the story is so nice. it's like mr.sassy boy meets ms.sassy girl. ok. bad analogy. but the story is so soooo good. it was so good that it was published already. and i absolutely adore
Jung Sang. can all the guys be like him? ok, maybe not exactly like him but enough to remind us of
Jung Sang's character in the fic. and before you get the idea that this Jung Sang character is a perfect gentleman, he's actually not. in fact he's the complete opposite of a gentleman. so what's his appeal then? it's the fact that a very gentle person is inside a very rough persona. love it. it's a must read for everyone. love it so much that i finished it in one day...
L-O-V-E... ^^
right now i'm trying to finish
Just Maybe. it's something that
Kai sent and recommended. the story is interesting. but i'm really having a hard time with the sentence construction. plus the fact that there are no quotation marks when you read it using the iPod. you see, i read it when i have nothing to do so i keep it on my iPod so all i have to do is switch it on and then find the page i was last on then read. anyway, back to the fic... it's interesting. still haven't finished it yet so i can't really post a review or reaction about it.
after Just Maybe, i'll be reading
Linked To You, another recommended fic from Kai. have it on my iPod already so, yeah. then i want to re-read
Joie de Vivre. heck, i love the story so much that i also put it on my pod. guess i'll have to put My PingPongBoy on my pod too. i still have to print it out though. i'm compiling all of my favorite fics and i intend to have it bookbind.
i know... i'm an addict ^_^
i was watching
Jiwhaza part2 on youtube earlier... and my god...
yunho's memory is so d@mn accurate. i can't believe that anyone is capable of that. i'm beginning to love the show, lol... the games are so interesting and fun, plus the participants too. the MC was hilarious. he kept on teasing those with zero points. the
TVXQ! boys were awesome in the show. if you guys want to watch it with subs,
ginaya uploaded it on youtube. just search
Jiwhaza ginaya and then it'll show up on the results page. unless of course, the vid is restricted to ginaya's friends. i really hope
GOESS will release a softsub of this episode. i downloaded the 700Mb file from wackeycashew and i am itching to watch it with full subtitles. and having a copy is not bad too. ^_^
another thing, i began watcing
Liar Game, a new Japanese dorama starring
Toda Erika and
Matsuda Shota. At first i wasn't expecting much, i only downloaded it because of Shota. but i was really surprised. the story is great. it's about this game called Liar Game (duh, that's why it's the title) where the players would "rob" each other of their money. and they would have to do all the means necessary... or else, they'll have a debt of one million yen... or was it one hundred million yen? anyway, it's such an intriguing story that i highly recommend it to anyone who loves mystery. and some screencaps (of course, of shota. lol. he's the main reason why i am watching this in the first place):

^yeah, i am not liking the hair too. but he was still able to manage the cool and mysterious look
and before i go, a screencap of the first few minutes of the first episode. i just love the pink sakuras! it's so nice...

^sakuras are so pretty, ne?
somebody take me to Japan!! i want to see the cherry blossoms!! ^_^
ok, once again, i am waiting for the hardsubbed episode 3. they say subs will be out by Tuesday and since the subber is in the States (i think), that means Wednesday for us. patience is a virtue...
askdjaklsd!!! i broke my promise of not downloading any CJK drama... aish. this is shota's fault! anyway, this is the last drama i'll be downloading. heck, i'm not even finished with Tokyo Juliet. i'm in the middle of episode 12. five more episodes to go. -__-
---> my sincere condolences to Ayet Keng and her family. her dad was shot to death last saturday morning. ayet, we may not be able to talk to each other as frequently as before, but i'm always here. my prayers are with you and your family...
hmm.. i guess that'll be all. yey for my may 1st post. ^^
Sounds: Younha - Aoi Lemon
Labels: fanfic, watch list
1 people sat with me and waited