Tuesday, January 29, 2008
7:14 PM
I will not let this day pass without saying:
HAPPY 2nd DongBang@MoA Anniversary my fellow Bangers!!
Labels: TVXQ
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, January 27, 2008
another *sigh* entry
2:52 PM
aha! i see the light!
seriously... i need a new job T__T
Your Job Satisfaction Level: 60%

Your job is about average. There are some parts you really enjoy, and some parts that stress you out.
It's possible that you need a small change. Maybe you should switch companies or positions.
It's also possible that you're simply burned out. No job is perfect, even a great one.
Give yourself a personal day to think about your career goals - and if your current job is helping you achieve them.
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, January 20, 2008
why the past must come back
9:38 AM
i accidentally found out that someone i'd rather forget is coming back this tuesday. not that i care really, but i dread the day that i will meet him again. i'm afraid that if i see him again, all those things in the past will come rushing back...
and i'm too weak to stop it from coming back.
life sucks.
nada - at workLabels: life, love
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
the "k" to be snobby
3:31 PM
i went to work as usual last night, but when i got to the office, my manager told me that Jason Barrett (our WAN manager) and Kirk Hubbard (our Telecom director) from the US are coming over to the office. i was estatic, it's my chance to meet them and all that.
so while waiting, i was doing the usual stuff, checking emails, opening my browser tools and things like that. after around 20-30 minutes or so, our site IT manager came and said, "This is LTGS". i looked and saw this guy with glasses clapping and saying, "You're doing great guys". Then our IT manager said this is Kirk, *and then some provider someone*... i was smiling and laughing because of the guy clapping, he is so nice and cool, then the IT Manager said, and this is Jason Barrett. when i glanced at him, i was shocked, surprised and baffled! all those three! HE IS SOOOO DAMN HOT! ok, stop babbling, but he is. gawd, he's cool, young and very good looking. Hehe... Rein introduced each one of us and he said he knows me well, probably because i kept pestering him in emails and all that. nyahaha.. but i'm happy he said that *kilig* whee~ really, he looks like he's just in his late 20s and early 30s.... and he is the WAN manager for LTGS. wow... he's got all these piercings and stuff. waaahhh... i'm a sucker for "bad" boys. And they're soo nice! *kilig mode* and he said.. "these are the guys who call me up at 2 in the morning" nyahahahaha!
alright, so i won't be mad at him when he gets mad for me calling him at 2am reporting a down circuit or an outage. he has the right to be mad. he's so goddamn cute!
Kirk and Jason said they will spend some time with us, i really hope they make good on their word. whee~ *excited and kilig mode*
Labels: kilig, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sunday @ work
10:54 AM
ah, nothing's like working on a Sunday. psh. i just have to pray that no one calls in for a down circuit or something, then i'm safe. T.T
anyway, what better way to spend Sunday at work doing a Things To Do list, right? hihi... so here we go:
finish reading Conversations Between Us
finish watching Yu Yu Hakusho
clean my room
start reading The Zahir by Paulo Coehlo
tidy up my cd/dvd collection
err... it seems like all i have to do is clean, read and watch tv T.T what a life. lol XD
I just found out from a friendster bulletin psot from ces that Ne-Yo will be having a concert in Manila on February 29 (not sure about the date, heck. Feb 29 is eb 20, leap year people! lol)!! aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! He just happens to be one of my favorite American R&B artists! geez... what i would give to be able to watch his concert!
Looking at the calendar, Feb29 falls on a Tuesday. I have work on Tuesdays T.T hmmm... a vacation/sick leave is in order! i so want to go, seriously!
.... still spazzing ...
anyway, will update when i get back home. hehe...
Sounds: nada
Labels: TTDL, Western pop
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
6:45 PM
i'm tired of doing the same thing everyday for the past year. seriously. i want a new job. i need a new job.
there's a time in your life when you know you can do something better than what you are doing at the present. my friends, this is one of those times. T.T i guess the only thing that's stopping me from actually leaving my present job is that i've grown too comfortable with everything about it, from the work itself right down to the people i work with.
it's time to be adventurous. let the job hunting begin!!!!
Labels: life, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, January 5, 2008
my 2008 horoscope...
10:11 AM
i was reading paopaopao's blog entry in multiply and found this. now i don't know whether to be excited or not. Let's see...
2008 is a year you’ll long remember. You’ve been moving by leaps and bounds, yet able to flow with ease. In January, Mars retrograde in your solar twelfth house may push you to consider your next course of action. By Valentine’s Day, you could find sizzling romance with the gifts of Pluto, Jupiter and Venus. You’re finally able to take action in any area when April arrives. Focus on health and exercise in May brings domestic bliss in September (watch out for Mars pushing you to be hasty). Travel is surprisingly comfortable in November, which improves work conditions in December.
Personal strength
Magnetic attraction
Gifts, karmic credits, money*i really really want to see a lot more of
. But I guess 4
is ok. Teehee... So, 2008 is the year that I'll remember forever, huh? Wonder why... And that's a pretty interesting thing for January. No wonder I've been thinking too much about my job and what's up for me next. *sigh* Spending almost 2 years (by September) in one job without any career improvement is frustrating you know. *sigh again*
Romance in February (Valentine's Day)? O.o Wait, my present boyfriend is also a Cancer. So... *scratches head*
April.. does that mean I can find another job and resign from my present job this April? Really, I've been giving career decisions much thought, and that surprises me. May... yeah yeah, I know I should go on a diet. LOL. I am curious about September... domestic bliss eh? Hmmmm....
Travel on November. Yipeee!!! Though I do plan to travel on March, June and July. Ah, I really want to go travelling this year. *sniff sniff*
Now playing:
Big Bang - How Geevia FoxyTunes Labels: horoscope, new year
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year, New Beginnings!
11:29 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!Thank you for making my 2007 a wonderful year worth remembering. It's one for the books! A lot of things happened this year and all of them are memorable... I can't say how much I thank you for being a part of it.
my familywe made it through another year, here's to another one. lol XD it's not always a well-paved road for us but we can get through everything, that's for sure. ^^
fandom friends life wouldn't be half as fun as it is without these people! as usual, thank you for sharing in my madness and craziness. it feels good to know that I am not alone in my craziness.
friends through the yearsit's been an awful long time since i met up with some friends. and i miss them. hope we could all get together some time. ^^
officematesagain, it was a roller coaster ride, but the ride is well worth it since the people with me are all great! to another wonderful and amazing ride this 2008!
to that special someone, for being sweet, patient and kind, thank you. *hearts everywhere* lol ^_^Y
so.. new year's resolutions? it's simple:
- love myself more
- give ample time for people dear to me
- travel more
- not let anything stop me from wanting to achieve my dream
- update my blogs more (hope i get to keep this one. hehe)
- be happy (jollibee? lol)
hmm... what else? yeah, i know this blog seems to be more straight forward than my previous entries, but hey, i am supposed to be sleeping but i can't. my eyes refuse to close. *sigh* there goes my body clock. haha....
promise to be my old blogging self when i post another entry. hehe... and since i no longer put up a playlist because the layout has become a navigation layout, i'm posting this one up. i need to incorporate the playlist. I HAVE TO! lol XD
i miss my dongbang boys... ^_^
Labels: new year
0 people sat with me and waited