Sunday, July 29, 2007
A Game About Love
6:55 AM
heck, i was supposed to meet up with pao and the rest to get my S-Mag yesterday but i fell asleep at around 3:30pm and woke up at around 10 minutes before eight T___T... sorry pao and tin, i wasn't able to make it. i blame my abnormal sleeping patterns for it.
anyway, after waking up at the said time, i sent tin an SMS and went to sleep again. i woke up at around midnight this time. went and checked my friendster, multiply, blog, corp email, tried sending a message to Tintin thru YM... but she won't reply. ahuhuhu. T___T then i decided to check my yahoomail... oh, how fun when i read a specific email from a specific person. i was so pissed that i wanted to wring his neck. grrr....
that person who sent an email to me is not entirely involved in the "incident".. what gives him the right to interfere? oh yes, he apologized for interfering, i'll give him that. but the point is he interfered. let the person involved explain it herself, she doesn't need you to be the knight in shining armor. a$$hole.
and to think he was there during my birthday celebration. psh!
what i don't like the most is somebody telling me how to react about certain matters. heck, i am human and i will react whatever and whichever way i want. wtf, the thing i posted at the group, that was so far from my real and initial reaction. to put it mildly, that's my most civil way of saying what i really wanted to say. i don't need someone telling me what to do and how to react. aarrgghh!!! these people are giving me hypertension.
do i deserve this? really? this will sound mean and cocky but after all that i have done for the group, do i really deserve this kind of tratment? aish... it's making me think.
anyway, on to a more lighter side.. i have finally found the link for Sam Wang's A Game About Love!!! Yey for me. I have been searching for it in d-addicts and now i've found it. *sigh* i am happy. i miss Sam so much. well, not just Sam, the rest of my JStar people. ah, love... ^_^
hmm.. what else? oh yeah.. finished with the Kyou Kara Maou download. and guess what? i am patiently waiting for the boxed set of the complete Harry Potter books so i was looking for something temporary to read. you know what i found? a PDF file of books 1-7. happiness. lol XD.
Sounds: 5566 - Wo Nan Guo
Labels: books, Cass, TW series
0 people sat with me and waited
Friday, July 27, 2007
new stuff + things i forgot in my previous entry ^_^
12:38 PM
remember i said i brought a Sony W55? scratch that. i had it upgraded to a Sony W80. turns out that the black W55 is out of stock so Kim asked if I wanted to get the w80 instead, at a discounted price. at first i was hesitant because i was concerned about the memory. but when i learned that she is still offering the 1G memory stick for an additional PHP1000, i got it anyway. coz as she said, if the price difference is only a thousand, why settle for something less? but now, i have to buy an adapter for the charger. i totally drained the battery and now i have to charge it, but i found out that the socket is a 3-lead one. aish. T__T it's ok. i'll just have to buy one tomorrow then ^^
and i so agree. i'm happy with my purchase. and as a token of gratitude for Kim, i am going to advertise her site. for really affordable gadgets, please go to
Kimstore's site. and i guarantee that the cameras she sells are so affordable, it'll make your jaw drop. and it's brand new! ^__^
pic of the new camera, taken by my camphone:
the new camera. it's as long as my phone (SE K700i)so i now have two Sony cameras. a digital still camera and a handycam. i'm happy ^^ oh, and me and my officemates tried it out at work. lookie at the pics:
the boys at the conference room, before the meeting with Sir IT Director (Anthony)
standing (L-R): Vince and Ronald; sitting (L-R): Daniel, Kryss and Caesar
the LTGS-Manila team (yes, i am the only girl.
mhari was somewhere else at the time T_T)i am surrounded by men. and thus the reason why we always sort of fight. well, blame my major in college. is it my fault that majority of the female population is intimidated by the word engineering? *sigh*
moving on... my archers lost. yes, they lost twice in a row. the first loss was ok. i mean, it's not really ok per se, but losing to ADMU is different compared to losing to UE. the rivalry man, the rivalry. i wasn't able to finish the game because i had to leave early to meet Kim to get the camera... but i got the feeling that the team would lose. heck, ADMU was leading by 5 points with less than 4 minutes in left in the game.
what i didn't expect was for the game to go on overtime. i was helluva proud of that. it means, the archers didn't go down without a fight. the final verdict: 80-77. a measly 3-point lead. *sigh* but it's ok. there's still a next time. ^_^
now come to think of it, it's actually fine that the archers lost (not really T__T; i'm just trying to look at the bright side). it will give them the additional desire and drive to perform better on their next games. ^__^
this is the reason why i love college basketball, it's not about the money, it's about pride and honor. i miss college. *sniff*
did i mention that i am recently into American boyband mode? lol XD i've finished downloading the albums from solid.. 98 Degrees, Nsync, 112, Boyzone... it's fun to reminisce. i did listen to these bands. i guess there is a trend huh? hehe... i still love their songs. but i can feel that i'll be shifting to Kpop or Jpop soon. once i get myself updated, that is. i have to raid z-degrees, solid and some other forums. ^^
download update.. almost finished with the 12G download of Kyou Kara Maou. only around .5G left and it's done. currently downloading The Devil also. I started watching the first episode and it really is very interesting. i stopped after a few minutes though because of the third episode of Hana Kimi. omg... it is sooo funny. i'm sort of late in watching the episodes because i am waiting for the hardsubbed version, but it really is worth the wait. it is love.... Toma Ikuta and Shirota Yuu are gorgeous! ^^
ok ok.. what else? hmm.. i guess that's it. till my next post? hopefully, i get to post tomorrow. and also, it's time to change layouts again! yey! ^_^
hello to all who are reading these no-nonsense entries of mine. ^^
Sounds: 98 Degrees - He'll Never Be... (What I Used to Be)
Labels: DLSU, downloads, pop, techie stuff, watch list
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
wow... i's been tooooo long
10:30 AM
wow.. really, it's been soooo long since i last seriously updated. so i guess i have to post up what i've been doing the past couple of days or weeks, right? ^_^
*back track* the last time i seriously blogged was July 15th. aahh!!! too much to talk about! but it's ok. shall we start with work? hehe...
work is ok. although it was raining with high severity issues the past couple of weeks. come on, where did you see an IT company having 2-3 circuits down in one day? it was a real headache. and we had to contact people from India, Malaysia, Ghana and Mexico. and wow... the accent. i had to strain my ears to understand them and it took up a lot of my patience. sheesh.. and not only that, while it was raining Sev1s, i was training a new guy on the team. talk about multitasking. *sigh* but i love my job, no matter how much i complain. lol XD
our team and the whole of support will be transferring to a different building within the week. Daniel and me have already checked the place and it is sooo cool. i like it. it's actually a 10-minute walk from our current building so i guess it's ok even though the building's old. i guess what's very appealing is the fact that the big bosses won't be there to breathe down our necks. yey! ^_^
and and and... our big bosses will be coming for a visit this July 30th. wow. the VP of ITO will be here. i'm now wondering if they're all ok. hmmm.. not Kevin's the only one left. i really want to see the guy. somehow i can't imagine him chasing down a toddler. lol XD. funny funny...
i guess the next two weeks will be really interesting neh?
remember i said i was downloading like crazy? yep, still am. finished downloading the first season of Heroes and Beverly Hills 90210. but i'm not finished watching it. haha.. and now i'm downloading The Devil and Kyou Kara Maou. sheesh. after this, it's back to TVXQ. lol. been neglecting them for a while. and i don't know why. i guess i needed a break. been to engrossed with them lately.
but wth, i just spent a lot on them this week. i got my Men in the Black and The 2nd Asia Tour Concert "O" Live Album from OK!Books yesterday, as well as Fly to the Sky's No Limitations album. whee~ i spend a lot on fandom T__T but at least i'm happy. hehe... AND!!! ate rowena gave me a poster of Choi Si Won... love.. that kid is gorgeous... insanely gorgeous...
speaking of spending a lot. i still have to get the S-Mag from paopaopao. i am excited about the poster. really, i am. i got to see it at Ok!Books and it was big. i love it. and they're also hot in it. But Yunho still needs to put on some weight. he really looks anorexic. *sigh*
moving forward, i was able to watch episode 5 of Why Why Love, and it was soooo funny. i love it. i'm already looking forward to the upcoming episodes. i've also started watching the Japanese adaptation of Hana Kimi. i didn't watch the TW series because i don't like Ella from SHE. but i love the jdorama. plus the fact that almost the whole cast is hot is a major plus. i died while watching Shirota Yuu walking towards Oguri Shun. lol.. the series is love.
let's see, i guess i got all the bases coverd. i'm watching 5 series: one Korean, one Taiwanese, one Japanese and 2 American. oh yes, i'm a very busy fangirl. ^___^
and i still have a lot of reading to do. sheesh. why is there only 24 hours in a day???
hmm.. i just brought a new digicam. a Sony W55. it's a purely an impulsive thing. aish.. i need to stop being an impulsive buyer. i just liked the color and then boom, next thing i know i was giving my contact details for the warranty card. waaahhh... i need to focus. think of the BKK and HK trip.
speaking of trips... i'm going to Davao!!! i asked izce if she wanted to come along and she said yes. yey! it's just something to help me unwind, coz heaven knows how much i need it. hmm.. maybe i'll ask other people to come along. it'll be so much fun! we're eye-ing the first week of september for the trip. i just hope eman would let me come, i know he'll be busy when he gets back, so hopefully he'll let me go.
i feel sorry for him. he's been working ever since he moved to the Philippines. but as he said, it's part of the job, so who is he to complain. and he likes his job. lol XD. speaking of, i need to learn to cook some new stuff. aish, i promised him a home-cooked meal when he gets back and i need to learn to cook something before August 15th. *sigh*
i miss him. :P
okay, what else? argh.. i forgot the rest of the stuff i was supposed to blog about. huhu... maybe next time. i think this entry's long enough. hehehehe... ^___^
Sounds: Tohoshinki - Begin
Labels: fandom, techie stuff, TVXQ, watch list, western series, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, July 23, 2007
8:22 AM
i was bored, so...
blogthings!!! ^_^
You Are 36% Girly

You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.
Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way.
How Girly Are You?.
yes, i admit. i am a bit of a tomboy. actually, a lot of people think i'm gurly-girl. well, there are times i am like that. but heck, i grew up with 3 brothers.. so what do you think? lol XD
Labels: blogthings
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, July 21, 2007
10:40 PM
this song has been on my mind, player, iPod for a full week now. and i blame solid's multimedia forum for it. i just love the song. the first time i heard it was when i was watching the PopOdyssey concert on HBO a few years back. definitely one of *Nsync's best songs if not the best... *sigh* you can download it from my Multiply site if you want. for the mean time, here's the lyrics:
I just don't understand
Why you're running from a good man, baby
Why you wanna turn your back on love
Why you've already given up
See I know you've been hurt before
But I swear I'll give you so much more
I swear I'll never let you down
'Cause I swear it's you that I adore
And I can't help myself, babe
'Cause I think about you constantly
And my heart gets no rest over you, you, you, yeah.
You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless), baby
'Cause I'm hopelessly in love
You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I'm the only one for you
What's wrong with being selfish?
I'll be taking up your time
'Til the day I make you realize (realize)
That for your there could be no one else
I just gotta have you for myself (for myself)
Baby, I will take good care of you
No matter what it is you're going through
I'll be there for you when you're in need
Baby believe in me
If love was a crime, then punish me
I would die for you
'Cause I don't want to live without you
Oh what can I do? oh...
CHORUS - repeat
Why do you keep us apart
Why won't you give up your heart
You know that we're meant to be together
Why do you push me away
All that I want is to give you love
Forever and ever and ever and ever.
CHORUS - repeat
Selfishly I'm in love with you
'Cause I've searched my soul
And know that it's you
Selfishly I'm in love with you
'Cause I've searched my soul
And know that it's you
Selfishly I'm in love with you
'Cause I've searched my soul
And know that it's you...
o prove that I'm the only one for you
So what's wrong with being selfish, selfish, selfish...
So what's wrong with being selfish... yeah.
credits to:
Nsync - SelfishLabels: lyrics, pop
0 people sat with me and waited
9:23 AM
okay, look at this:
Your Birthdate: July 9

For you, love is a feeling that lingers for really long time - even after a relationship is totally over.
In fact, you still make have strong feelings for the first person you fell in love with.
You usually are reluctant to end relationships. And sometimes you're the last to know that things are ending!
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 5
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4
You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month.
--> wtf, this is so freaking accurate! it's scary T___T
Nsync - I Thought She KnewLabels: cute stuff
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
girl/guy facts... cute stuff
8:03 AM
just some cute stuff i want to post here because it's so nice. so, yeah, just a quick post. tagboard replies later. ^__^
on with the cute stuff!
Girl facts:When you catch a girl glancing at you,
she wants you to look back and smile
When a girl bumps into your arm while walking with you
she wants you to hold her hand
When she wants a hug, she will just stand there
When u break a girls heart, she still feels it even whenyou see each other 3 years laterWhen a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her mind
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you will be around
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds,
she is not at all fine
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are playing games
When a girl lays her head on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever
When a girl says she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind that you are her future
When a girl says, "I miss you,"no one in this world can miss you more than thatWhen a girl is mean to you after a break-up
she wants you back, but she' s scared she'll get hurt and
knows you're gone forever
Guy Facts:When a guy calls you,
he wants to be with you
When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
When a guy says, "I'm fine." after a few minutes,
he means it
When a guy stares at you,
he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do
When your laying your head on a guy's chest,
he has the world
When a guy calls/texts/comments you everyday,
he is in love
When a (good) guy tells you he loves you,
he means it
When a guy says he can't live without you,
he's with you till your done
When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else
*NSync - CelebrityLabels: cute stuff, love, quotes
0 people sat with me and waited
Sunday, July 15, 2007
it's been too long....
1:25 AM
what date is it today? july 15th? it's been 4 days since i last updated this blog. it has been a very, very busy week. haven't had time to properly bloghop as well as post a blog entry. i need a break. a long one. i need to plan a vacation for august. seriously.
anyway, there have been a lot of high priority issues at work. imagine getting around 3-5 Sev.1s a day. *sigh* a lot of circuits going down and a lot of work/production being affected. and it doesn't help that the LWAN engineers are being so aksdjasdja about it. aish, good thing we have Kevin and Mark on board, at least we know we can depend on someone to help us out. and i just remembered, i got two reports due on monday, plus the lesson plan and timetable. aargghh!!! this is the reason why i'm not into fangirl-ing anymore... i need my daily dose of fangirlism to keep me sane! *gets hit by eman* sheesh....
hopefully, everything will be okay this coming week. Just hope that Russian WAN engineer will finally loosen up and stop being a snob. aish. gggrrrrr...
i've just reformatted my PC. it was getting all cluttered and the USB port is acting up, so I decided to format it. of course, i backed up my precious files, even though it wasn't that many. don't have time to stalk the clubboxes anymore for tvxq and kpop vids. but when i have some time, i do stalk and download some stuff.
like right now, well, it's not kpop or related to anything Korean. i'm downloading the first season of Beverly Hills, 90210 and the first eleven episodes of Heroes Season 1. Yeah, Beverly Hills!!! i loved that series when i was in elementary or high school. Remember the twins, Brenda and Brandon (er, tama ba?) back then, i thought they were the coolest and handsomest people on the planet, but then i was introduced to Kpop. whee~ ahehe..
i'm almost finished downloading Beverly Hills, just 2G left (it's 7.86G big). whoot~ this is the reason why i love torrent files. ahehe... TVXQ can wait, i need to re-acquaint myself with the western world and the Hollywood circle. ^_^Y
fanfics. ah, i've started with Conversations Between Us, but I'm also reading Even So. Anne posted it on Jhocel's multiply tagboard, and i couldn't resist a good fic. hehe... I've also saved a copy of Balloons and Goodbye by dearSkye. there was a note on the thread that she will be removing it from the internet this August, so I saved a copy, compete with the posters and everything. i won't be redistributing it, it's just something for me to read once i'm done with all the fics i got stocked up here.
and there are a lot. *sigh*
hopefully, i'll find the time to read them soon.
what else... that's weird. before i started writing this entry, i was thinking this will be a very long post and i was mentally listing all the things i want to write about. but now that i'm typing it down, i'm at a loss. oh well, maybe next time. hehe. and now i shall go bloghopping ^^
Sounds: Mandy Moore - Cry
Labels: american series, downloads, fanfic, movies, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
a year older, a year wiser ^_^
5:27 AM
hell yeah, i just turned a year older 2 days ago. but why does it seem like i'm still a kid. lol ...
anyway, birthday celebration last 07/08 with fandom friends was fun. it was so nice to see the bangers again. i missed those girls. and the angels too. thank you to all those who greeted me. got quite a number of SMS and YM messages... love you guys to death for remembering. *put hearts here*
celebration at the office was great too. though it would have been better if the whole LTGS Team, was there. but anyway, there's still more time to celebrate. hey, if my boyfriend can celebrate his birthday for a week, why can't i? lol XD
celebration at home was ok. everybody's out most of the day so i was home sleeping. and i got up and was late for work. hehehehe...
oh yes, that's right. he's in the Caribbean right now and he'll be there for 12 days for work. after that he's back to Atlanta for some other business thingies. then it's back home on august 15th. *sigh* well, even though he wasn't here on my birthday, he did promise that we'd take a trip to Sagada when he gets back. and i have been dying to go there ever since i saw pictures of the hanging coffins and the caves. i just hope there won't be any storms when we go. i'm happy. yey...
what else, oh! as usual, i did some shopping. lol XD it was my private birthday celebration for myself. before i forget, thanks LJ, for the wonderful gift. it was enough that you came over at exactly the time you said you were coming over, but the 3 years worth of gifts you promised were awesome. i love you boybespren! you will always be my one and only boybespren. lol.. cheesy, i know. but you deserve it! hah! let's just hope that the wife won't interpret this the wrong way. hehe...
to all those who greeted me on my tagboard, at friendster or wherever, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ^^
okay, enough. i'm sleepy. i wan't able to go to work last night because of the rain, so i have to be super early later. i'll update soon, promise! ^^
Sounds: Jed Madela - How Can I Fall
Labels: celebration, life, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Saturday, July 7, 2007
when it ends...
2:58 AM
this blog's layout/theme really fits my mood for July. aish, my birth month and i'm depressed.
moving forward, tomorrow
July 8, will be my birthday celebration. too bad he won't be there on my birthday, but that's life *sniffles* anyway,
kai and me will be celebrating our birthday together, and since we move almost have the same circle of friends, i think it will be a blast. to those i have invited:
meeting place will be at glorietta food choices at 12nn. but the celebration will be at noraebang (i've been noraebang deprived for a few months now, not counting the gathering) at around 4pm. feel free to directly go there. ^_^
tintin and me will be having our haircut at
Tony and Jackey tomorrow also, before the celebration. AND!!! SOJU!! we'll have soju. i demand we drink soju. let's drink down all the depression and bitterness we may have. *sniffles*
wtf, i think i'm going to cry again T___T
by the way,
and also:
HAPPY SE7EN DAY! 07-07-07... L-O-V-E!Sounds:
Kattun - Special HappinessLabels: celebration, life
0 people sat with me and waited
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
there he goes... there he goes again...
11:17 AM
there he goes... aish... leaving again this saturday for god knows where. i sometimes wish i have his job so i can travel the world too. psshh! saw the pictures he took of Africa and it was breath-taking. can somebody please give me his job? T___T
anyway, finished downloading Why Why Love hardsubbed episode 3 but i haven't watched it yet. and now i'm downloading the 2nd of 7 parts of Moon Child. Oh yes, Tam, we are in Gackt&Hyde mode right now. just something about vampires and neck biting that's so sexy. lol XD can't wait to finally finish downloading all seven links. i want to watch it! already done downloading Tuck Everlasting, and I was able to watch a few bits and snippets of it. It still makes me cry. *sigh* melodramatic movies are love...
ow... reece posted something about Tarnished Angels coming to an end. hay... i am going to miss that fic. i want more Min7en love! i never thought that cussing while professing your love is sexy... real sexy and romantic. now just picture se7en doing that. *dies*
there it goes.. another senseless post. well at least i'm updating more than i updated last month, right? hehehe...
Sounds: G.O.D. - It's Alright
Labels: fanfic, love, movies
0 people sat with me and waited
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
something new...
9:41 AM
changed the playlist. i thought i would put something appropriate, something that would jive with the layout. i didn't mean it to be so sentimental and depressing. aish... i really just like that song from I'm Sorry, I Love You. and i really like the drama too. depressing stuff, i tell you. -__-
remember the on-again-off-again thingie i was talking about yesterday? oh yes, it's happening again. argh! i need to post some private stuff on my LJ. thank god i've got that, at least only a limited few can read some very private stuff. *sniff*
anyway, work was great. i can feel the freedom! bwahahaha! no more Chuck G. breathing down our necks. yey for the freedom of being part of ITO. but it's still a long way to go. we've got a lot of things to do. aish... contracts and agreements make my head go crazy. -__- now let's let bossing Anthony take care of that. ^_^
speaking... Why Why Love episode 3 hardsubbed is out! downloading it now. i think i'm one of the first three people who's actually downloading it, so download speed is like... SLOW!! but i don't care. i'm going to download it. ^^
there goes another nonsense post. oh well... till next time :)
Sounds: Fly to the Sky - Eternity
Labels: life, love, TW series, work
0 people sat with me and waited
Monday, July 2, 2007
birth month
5:23 AM
it's july already and so a new layout is in order. of course, i picked one from
d.lockheart's portfolio. i love his blog layout and designs...
so what can i say about this current skin/layout? it definitely shows what i'm feeling right now, on the first day of my birth month. *sigh* to make a long story short: this
on-again-off-again sort of thing is not for me. the
sometimes-long-distance thing is alright, but the on-again-off-again thing? i don't think so. it's frustrating, tiring and emotionally draining. heck, it's like a
switch!! so let's let the one who went away, be away. *sniffles*
anyway, we have a newbie at work and i'll be training him. aarrgghh!! why can't they get female newbies?? the past 3 newbies that i've trained are all guys, and just one of them is cute. but hey, the cute one's married. geeeesshhh...
okay, enough about work...
finished watching the second episode of
Why Why Love yesterday. the series is really funny! and i am loving
Kingone Wang even more! he's so silly, especially during the behind the scenes. OMG.. he's so silly, sillier than Mike. and as promised, i will be posting screencaps, with Rainie Yang. XD but most of the screencaps will be available in my Multiply account. i made quite a few screencaps, pressing Ctrl+e like crazy everytime KingOne would do something silly and cute, also when Mike is so adorably cute! I can't wait for the third hardsubbed episode to come out. i love DoReMii and IFS for subbing the series... and thank you
anne for making me intrigued enough that i downloaded the series. now i'm hooked!
screencaps! ^_^

of course, screencaps won't be complete
without Mike He's solo ^^

now time for some Mike-Rainie and Kingone-Rainie screencaps!!
very, very good looking cast, ne? *nods* if you want to see screencaps of the behind the scenes, please go to my multiply account. link can be found at the side bar. ^_^
as for
Liar Game, i am still waiting for the hardsubbed version of the last episode to come out. i just hope
sacred cultivator can shrink the file size...
so let's see... i'm downloading
Tuck Everlasting right now. this is one American movie that i love. and not just because that cutie (er, is the guy's name Jonathan Jackson? i forgot) is there, and also Alexis Bledel, i just love the movie. period. it's about living forever... and all that melodramatic stuff. and i do love melodramas. i think there's about 2 hours left before the torrent finishes downloading. love... ^_^
let's go to fanfics... i've got a ton lined up to read. i don't know where to start. but since i started with
Conversations Between Us (because jhocel sent me a copy, which Anne compiled, thanks!!! *hugs*), might as well finish that. right now i'm on page 23. and i really find the story interesting. silly me, i browsed to the last part of the document and found out what happened to one of the gang leaders. huhuhu.. but that won't stop me from reading everything! yes, i am hooked. ^_^
still haven't finished
Black Coffee Talk and
Undertones of Forever, but i'm getting there. these two are a lot shorter compared to CBU, so we'll see how everything goes. and finally!
sahbeL updated
Close Your Eyes and Pretend!!! i am going crazy, he left us with a cliffhanger. *sigh* i really wanted to know what will happen to Jaejoong in the fic. Also reading wedspawn's
Tarnished Angels, and finished with the lemon chapters. *evil smile* hehehehe... now what
ChangMin and
Se7en have is a real relationship! maybe not like
JaeHo's forever, but something as intense. *grins*
aahh, this post is getting to be too long. i better stop here. hope i can update with something with sense tomorrow.
before i forget... there will be a birthday celebration on July 8... kai and me will be celebrating our birthday together, just like last year. as for invites, i'll be personally inviting people. so wait for my SMS, email, IM, or something.
that's just about it. till next time! toodles~
Brian Joo - First DateLabels: celebration, fanfic, frustrations, life, love, movies, TW series, watch list, work
0 people sat with me and waited